Dodoya Simple Soybean Drink: A Taiwanese soybean drink that is much lighter and less sweet than your typical American soymilk. Very refreshing. Healthy, hydrating, and invigorating. Purchased from M2M in Manhattan. 4.0/5.0
soydrink dodoya soy drinks taiwanese recommended 4.0 simple soybean drinkSejun rice drink: A korean rice drink called Shikae, which consists of cooked rice, sugar, and malt. The drink itself tastes like honey water and is very sweet. I drink it diluted with equal parts water. Mixed with the drink are grains of rice, which take on a strange gummy texture from being steeped in the drink. 2.0/5.0
korean shikhae drinks ricedrink hmart sejun rice drink 2.0Kwang-Dong oriental raisin tea drink: A Korean tea that tastes like a cross between oolong and barley tea. strong, rich aftertaste, presumably from the raisin tree fruit concentrate. I wouldn't guess it was raisin, but it's good, especially chilled. 3.5/5.0
korean raisintea drinks hmart asian kwangdong oriental raisin tea drink 3.5