Mansi calamansi drink: Kalamansi is citrus fruit indigenous to the Philippines that's a cross between an orange and a kumquat. Mansi, a juice flavored with kalamansi, is remarkably refreshing, with a fantastic citrus flavor whose sharpness is balanced by a bit of honey. The website for the brand lists all sorts of health benefits for the fruit, from reduced acne to better digestive health. Regardless of whether any of this is true, the drink is one of the most memorable I've had, and something I would be happy to ... (read more) 5.0/5.0
drinks drinkmansi calamansidrink kalamansi nyc mansi 5.0 exceptional citrus juice calamansi drinki-Tea Honey Brown Rice Milk Tea with Basil Seeds and Agar Boba: From Taiwan, this bubble tea chain has all the signs of an authentic Taiwanese tea shop: its menu is ridiculously long; you can customize sweetness, ice, and toppings; it's cash only; there's absolutely no place to sit and chat (you purchase your drink and enjoy it elsewhere); and while there are lines out the door, service is fast. Drinks only come in one (large) size but are very reasonably priced. I ordered their honey brown rice milk tea at 30% sweetness, and the drink was one of the b... (read more) 4.5/5.0
exceptional drink boba itea honey brown rice milk tea basil seeds agar 4.5 bubbleteaTea King Grape Clouds Drink: Normally, bubble tea shops seems to specialize in either milk tea or fruit teas, with few shops being able to produce high quality beverages in both domains. Tea King is a rare exception where you can't seem to go wrong with either option. On my last trip, I got the Grape Clouds, a grape tea slush with a salty cheese foam topping. The fruit is super fresh (you get a healthy dose of grape pulp throughout), and the cheese foam provided a tangy, savory balance. After a long bike ride, it wa... (read more) 4.5/5.0
exceptional drinks seattle tea teaking grape clouds drink 4.5Dodoya Simple Soybean Drink: A Taiwanese soybean drink that is much lighter and less sweet than your typical American soymilk. Very refreshing. Healthy, hydrating, and invigorating. Purchased from M2M in Manhattan. 4.0/5.0
soydrink dodoya soy drinks taiwanese recommended 4.0 simple soybean drinkGood Belly cranberry watermelon probiotic juice drink: I was drawn to this product because I've never heard of a probiotic drink that was dairy-free. This company's selling point is the addition of probiotic cultures for \"renewing your digestive health.\" Whether this is effective I cannot say, but I can say that the juice is delicious, like the best fruit punch juice box you can remember having. The flavor is nostalgic (it contains only juice from concentrate, though it's all organic), but it still feels fresh and age appropriate. It's slightl... (read more) 4.0/5.0
organic juice goodbelly recommended cranberry watermelon fruitpunch punch drinks probiotic health 4.0 wholefoods drinkR.W. Knudsen spiced pear drink: While this juice consists predominantly of apple and pear juice from concentrate, the flavor is undeniably festive and perfect for the late fall. Spiced cinnamon and clove add to this well balanced drink, which is good hot or cold. Definitely on the sweet side, but I still enjoyed it. 4.0/5.0
rwknudsen spicedpear pear drink recommended drinks juice apple 4.0 spiced