cream (132)
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Mikawaya Exottics green tea ice cream sandwich: delicious, refreshing, and creamy green tea ice cream, slightly floral 4.0/5.0

recommended matcha hmart mikawaya exottics green tea ice cream sandwich 4.0 icecream
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Mikawaya mango mochi ice cream: This brand claims to be the "original and best" Mochi ice cream. Whether it's true or not I cannot say, but the brand has permeated American supermarkets, with chains like Trader Joe's as stockists. It also seems to be the de facto choice for restaurants selling Mochi ice cream they don't make themselves. Luckily, the ice cream is very good. They have found a way to maintain a chewy and soft Mochi texture despite being frozen, and the ice cream is smooth and creamy. I usually find myself dus... (read more) 4.0/5.0

mikawaya icecream mochi mango 4.0 recommended dessert traderjoes ice cream
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Milk Bar Pie ice cream: Available at Whole Foods, this Milk Bar branded ice cream is strangely slightly smaller than a pint and tastes more like breakfast than pie, thanks to oat-like crumbles throughout. It’s very rich and sweet and reminds me of Friendly’s butter crunch, with a brown butter caramel flavor. The type of dessert you can enjoy a few scoops of before you realize it’s too rich to eat more — but those couple of scoops are pretty enjoyable. 3.5/5.0

recommended whole foods icecream milkbar pie ice cream 3.5
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MItchell's Avocado and Lucuma Ice Cream: My quest to try every major ice cream shop in San Francisco has perhaps come to completion now that I've finally stopped by Mitchell's. Located about a 10 minute walk from the 24th Street BART station, Mitchell's has been serving San Franciscans for over 50 years, with a menu of classic flavors as well as exotic tropical fruits. Asian flavors skew Filipino, with ube, halo-halo, macapuno (young coconut), and lacuma, the last of which I was excited to try for the first time. I purchased a s... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended icecream sanfrancisco sweets desserts mitchells avocado lucuma ice cream 3.5
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Morgenstern's ice cream: Cardamom lemon jam ice cream was excellent-beautifully spiced, tart lemon cubes added texture and interest. Green tea pistachio did not taste of green tea at all-instead, was a very solid pistachio ice cream. High quality pistachio nuts throughout. Also sampled the burnt honey, which was too sweet. 4.0/5.0

nyc les icecream matcha greentea pistachio cardamom lemon jam recommended morgensterns ice cream 4.0
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Morgenstern's Raw milk ice cream with blueberry and strawberry jams: A Fourth of July special with two scoops or raw milk ice cream and streaks of blueberry and strawberry jam throughout. A largely flawless dessert: rich and indulgent, while fruit jams add welcome sharpness. Perfectly smooth texture. Basically as good as it gets for a clean, classic ice cream cone. 4.5/5.0

exceptional icecream rawmilk morgensterns raw milk ice cream blueberry strawberry jams 4.5