almond (52)
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2017 01 13 09.58.22

Creative Snack Co. Vanilla Almond Granola: Offered as a complimentary snack on my Delta flight. Better-than-average granola, with decently-sized clusters and a naturally honey sweetness. A welcome snack when you have few other options thousands of feet in the air, but I wouldn't purchase it on the ground. 3.0/5.0

delta flight creativesnackco vanilla almond granola 3.0
13473088 975469025900252 1562080408 n

G.L. Alfieri strawberry almond milk: I'm a fan of almond milk and had never had a strawberry-flavored one before, so this sample-sized bottle from G.L. Alfieri in the Ferry Building peaked my interest. Despite the questionable pepto-pink color, the drink was unexpectedly light, with a clean creamy strawberry flavor and slight nutty finish. The sweetness was just enough to trigger strawberry milk nostalgia while still feeling like a responsible, healthy adult. 4.0/5.0

glalfieri recommended ferrybuilding sanfrancisco strawbery almondmilk drinks 4.0 strawberry almond milk
985101867016291882 1397986312

Health Warrior honey almond chia protein bar: Dense, high fiber bar that is chewy and slightly sweet. Nutty flavor with a strange aftertaste reminiscent of cedar. Nicely textured bar. Not the best flavor but filling. 3.0/5.0

healthwarrior chia honey almond nuts protein bar 3.0
2016 10 09 19.06.51

IKEA Tarta Mandel almond cake: As part of my free meal at IKEA, I got a slice of their almond cake, the most harmless looking dessert on display. It consists of two thin layers of cake with butter cream in between; sliced almonds are sprinkled on top. While the portion size was not very large, it was difficult to get through given the over-sweetend and gummy icing. The nuts offered neither texture nor flavor. It was free, but I would not choose to eat it for free again. 1.5/5.0

avoid ikea tarta mandel almond cake 1.5
973095635502007333 1397986312

I-Mei almond choco wafer roll: Despite its name, these are flat wafers, rolled similarly to a flat crepe. The snacks come individually wrapped. Wafer exterior is thin and flaky, while chocolate interior is not overly sweet with a sprinkle of chopped almonds. Texture of the almonds doesn't quite carry through because of the crispness of the wafer. Overall, a pretty good snack. 3.5/5.0

chocolate imei wafer almond sweets asian taiwanese hmart choco roll 3.5
835000537116345461 1397986312

Jenis brown butter and almond ice cream: Smooth and creamy ice cream that's extremely rich with a nutty caramel flavor. Clearly used high quality ingredients as its base. 4.0/5.0

icecream dessert brownbutter almond recommended jenis brown butter ice cream 4.0