4.5 (128)
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Nezu No Pan Lemon Poppy Seed Bread: The other flavored bread that I received from the bakery Nezu No Pan, located close to Nezu Station in Tokyo, is a lemon poppy seed loaf. It's pleasantly acidic, with a lemon flavor that's both sweet and sharp but not overly so, as the flavor is mellowed out by the pillowy, chewy bread. The texture somehow combines the best of mochi-like chewiness with the moist, soft consistency of freshly baked bread. A standout combination – the flavor alone is definitely one of the best lemon breads I... (read more) 4.5/5.0

exceptional tokyo nezu bread bakery baked nezunopan lemon poppy seed 4.5
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Niedereggen Marzipan: Marzipan coated in a thin layer of 71% dark chocolate. Fantastic nutty flavor that isn't too sweet. Love that the chocolate is so thin and doesn't overwhelm the marzipan. A special German treat. 4.5/5.0

marzipan chocolate german almond darkchocolate candy exceptional niedereggen 4.5
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OO Tea Jasmine milk tea with boba: OO Tea is a Taiwanese import of the brand “Wushiland.” As far as I know, there are only two locations in the US: one in a San Gabriel strip mall in LA and another in a Ranch 99 in San Diego. I went to the latter, which was an unassuming bubble tea stand without any seating; my order was taken in Mandarin, not English. Wushiland uses organic milk for their milk teas and it shows. I ordered their jasmine milk tea and found it to be the single best version of milk tea that I’ve ever had in the ... (read more) 4.5/5.0

exceptional sandiego bubbletea milktea ootea jasmine milk tea boba 4.5 drinks
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Otafuku x Medetai Red Bean Taiyaki: Otafuku x Medetai is a small Japanese to-go street food shop in the East Village specializing in okonomiyaki, takoyaki, and taiyaki. Taiyaki is a classic Japanese dessert with a fish-shaped waffle exterior and different fillings inside (traditionally red bean). They make all their taiyaki from scratch here, filling their detailed custom molds with batter and producing 6 fishies at a time, all of which you can watch. This was probably the freshest taiyaki I've had -- it came out pipping h... (read more) 4.5/5.0

exceptional nyc japanese otafukuxmedetai red bean taiyaki 4.5
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Pazzo Gelato Butternut Squash Gelato: A seasonal flavor that makes me wonder if we should all be eating butternut squash pie to celebrate Thanksgiving instead of pumpkin pie. A delectable combination of spices (cinnamon and nutmeg, I'm guessing) and creamy squash flavor. Very smooth. One of my favorite desserts from this year. 4.5/5.0

exceptional losangeles veggies pazzogelato butternut squash gelato 4.5
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Peace Cereal Baobab Coconut Cereal: Crunchy wheat flakes lightly coated with sweetened coconut glaze, delicious granola clusters. A hearty organic breakfast cereal that holds up in a bowl of milk. Tasty and still feels very healthy! 4.5/5.0

exceptional organic granola peacecereal baobab coconut cereal 4.5