747365089263519142 1397986312

Mikawaya Exottics green tea ice cream sandwich: delicious, refreshing, and creamy green tea ice cream, slightly floral 4.0/5.0

recommended matcha hmart mikawaya exottics green tea ice cream sandwich 4.0 icecream
905878091548886644 1397986312

365 organic strawberry yogurt: A pleasant, budget-friendly snack. Consistency is runny but smooth, strawberry flavoring is not too sweet. 3.0/5.0

365 wholefoods yogurt strawberry organic 365organic 3.0/5.0
1055526189454886093 1397986312

Pure Organic strawberry apple fruit strip: Thick, hearty fruit leather with a concentrated flavor. Strawberry and apple both come across clearly. On the sweet side, but not unusually so for a fruit snack. 3.5/5.0

organic pureorganic fruitleather recommended strawberry apple fruit 3.5 strip
1055521106361091181 1397986312

: Horizon cheddar sandwich crackers: made with better ingredients than Ritz for sure, but honestly not that different in taste. On the salty side. Pricy for what it is. Not a filling snack like its peanut butter sandwich counterpart, which I previously reviewed. 2.5/5.0 #horizon #organic #cheddar #crackers