747358662549603560 1397986312

Meiji yogurt caramels: yakult (Asian yogurt drink) in a starburst form factor. Super sweet, chewy, and nostalgic 2.5/5.0

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747358914006516975 1397986312

CW sesame sticks: Delicious crunchy snack. faintly sweet with a distinct sesame flavor. convenient container too! 3.5/5.0

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747359168642712820 1397986312

I-Mei cream cracker cheese: Actually tastes nothing like cheese. A buttery and flaky plain cracker that's a bit dry. 2.5/5.0

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747359392375276797 1397986312

Haioreum roasted seaweed: Perfectly sized for a small snack, a bit salty but nonetheless has good flavor 2.5/5.0

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747359631022785797 1397986312

Nissin coconut sable: Glazed coconut cookies with sugar coating. Buttery, sweet, and yummy. 3.0/5.0

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747359922837292304 1397986312

Trader Joe's pita crisps with cranberries and pumpkin seeds: An addicting mix of sweet and salty, crunchy and flavorful 3.0/5.0

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