747340288503351026 1397986312

Honeysong seasoned seaweed: addictive mix of savory and sweet seaweed and sesame seeds. Adds texture to any dish. 3.5/5.0

recommended korean hmart honeysong seasoned seaweed 3.5
747340572600338164 1397986312

Trader Joe's crunchy peanut butter granola bars: Oats covered in peanut butter spread, satisfying, perfect mid-day snack. 3.5/5.0

recommended traderjoes crunchy peanut butter granola bars 3.5
747340792499308281 1397986312

Frito Lay Spicy Nacho Doritos: Stays true to the original while providing a tangy kick. Great twist on a classic. 3.5/5.0

recommended cheese chips tortilla fritolay spicy nacho doritos 3.5
747341023529961212 1397986312

Posuke Nori-Aji: Sweet and savory glazed wheat crackers speckled with nori. Insanely addicting. 4.0/5.0

recommended japanese seaweed posuke nori-aji 4.0
747341250047543040 1397986312

Inko's white peach white tea: refreshing, energizing, light. 4.0/5.0

recommended drinks inkos white peach tea 4.0
747341571415115524 1397986312

Kellogg's Special K granola: the worst granola I've ever bought. Generic flavor. Took 3 months to finally get through it. 0.5/5.0

avoid kelloggs special k granola 0.5