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Kirkland roasted seasoned seaweed: Highly seasoned Korean nori, large sheets, leaves fingers greasy 2.5/5.0

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747345250524366685 1397986312

Trader Joe's dried cranberries: sweet and tart, adds an ideal level of sweetness to plain oatmeal. 3.5/5.0

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Trader Joe's mini peanut butter sandwiches: Smooth and rich peanut butter, salty and sweet, tastes of childhood 3.0/5.0

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Trader Joe's blueberry muesli: Surprisingly savory taste, gets soggy quickly in milk, but puffed rice adds some crunch. 3.0/5.0

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747348141121243046 1397986312

McCann's quick cooking Irish oatmeal: Filling, nutritious, convenient. perfect with bits of dried or fresh fruit. 4.0/5.0

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747348145793697703 1397986312

Uniekaas Robusto cheese: Nutty aged hybrid gouda and parmesan cheese, mildly salty, smooth and creamy finish 3.5/5.0

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