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Kung Fu Tea honey lemonade with boba: This "less sweet" drink (at 30% sweetness) was unbalanced, with an unpleasant amount of acidity that built up over time. The real crime was the boba, though, which was so soft it was almost like chewing gum. No bite whatsoever. Quality control is not good in Chinatown. 1.0/5.0

kungfutea chinatown boston lemonade boba honey drinks asian avoid 1.0
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Trader Joe's multigrain crackers: The large size of these crackers enables added toppings, which is good because the lacking flavor necessitates that something more tasty is eaten simultaneously. Eats a little dry. 2.5/5.0

traderjoes crackers multigrain 2.5
1008247976043512926 1397986312

Trader Joe's jackfruit chips: I bought these mostly for the novelty of a jackfruit snack. These dehydrated chips have a tropical flavor that is a cross between a banana and a not-quite-ripe mango. Most chips are quite large, making them awkward to eat. The texture improves if you let the chips slightly dissolve on your tongue so it slightly resembles the texture of actual fruit. Not one of the better TJ snacks, but not bad. 3.0/5.0

traderjoes jackfruit driedfruit fruit chips 3.0
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365 organic onion rings: Funyuns++. Thick pieces of airy yet crunchy onion rings with an elevated sour cream and onion flavor. Captures the sweetness of onions, which is perhaps its most unique quality-it's as sweet as it is savory. Very addicting and well executed. 4.5/5.0

365 wholefoods organic onionrings onion exceptional rings 4.5
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Cheetos Cheddar jalapeño Cheetos: Classic neon orange "cheddar" flavor with a spicy kick. Crunchy, textured. Surprisingly good and unsurprisingly bad for you. 3.5/5.0

cheetos crunchy cheese recommended jalapeno spicy fritolay cheddar jalapeño 3.5
1006042894954693695 1397986312

Hint Fizz blackberry sparkling water: Zero calorie, unsweetened sparkling water with a good, concentrated blackberry flavor. Good for cleansing the palate. A nice soda alternative. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks seltzer fizzy blackberry berry hintfizz sparkling water 3.5