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Brooklyn Soda Works lemon and thyme soda: About five years ago, I had a fantastic bottled apple ginger soda from Brooklyn Soda Works at a restaurant in NYC. Since then, I've been looking forward to my next opportunity to try a different flavor from the brand. I also backed them on Kickstarter a few years ago. When I found myself at Smorgasburg for the Brooklyn Record Flea, I visited their tent and purchased a $4 cup of lemon thyme soda. Unfortunately, it was not very good. The lemon was faint, and the soda could use more sweetness to balance the overpowering thyme flavor. It was also pricy given the size of the drink. Overall, I was very disappointed but would be willing to give them another shot if I come across their bottle products. 2.0/5.0

brooklynsodaworks soda drinks lemon thyme 2.0 smorgasburg