vinegar (13)
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Ancient Ingrained Snack Co Ka-Pop Salt & Vinegar Ancient Grain Popped Chips: Thinner and crispier than PopChips (pressurized potato chips) or Pop-Corners (popped corn tortilla chips), these sorghum-based "ancient grains" chips have a satisfyingly sharp and tart salt and vinegar flavor. They enter a crowded market of fried potato-chip alternatives, yet are different enough in texture to hold their own. Nutritionally, they're much healthier than potato chips, with 4g of fat per serving. I liked this bag enough to try their other flavors next time I make it to Fairway. 3.5/5.0

recommended fairway sorghum saltandvinegar ancientingrainedsnackco ka-pop salt vinegar ancient grain popped chips 3.5
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Boulder Canyon malt vinegar and sea salt potato chips: Crunchy, ridged potato chips with a mild vinegar flavor. Thickly cut. Never had avocado oil before; it doesn't have a distinctive flavor. 3.0/5.0

bouldercanyon potatochip chips avocado 3.0 malt vinegar sea salt potato
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Smile More Sparkling Lychee Spritzer : I’ve seen an upwards trend for vinegar-based sodas in the past year, and this Asian lychee-flavored one is sour and lightly sweetened with a faint lychee aftertaste. It’s not a drink I would want to consume in one serving though the bottle is smaller than most. If you appreciate carbonated beverages that aren’t sweet, you may enjoy it. 3.0/5.0

drinks vinegar asian smilemore sparkling lychee spritzer 3.0
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Up Mountain Switchel Original Apple Cider Vinegar, Maple Syrup, and Ginger Switchel: Switchel seems to have gotten pretty popular over the past two years, which makes me happy because I especially enjoy ginger drinks. I purchased this one from a Vietnamese restaurant but recently saw that Whole Foods sells it. It's a little too sweet for me, and doesn't have as potent of a ginger flavor as I expected it to. Pretty average as far as switchels I've had. 3.0/5.0

drinks upmountainswitchel original apple cider vinegar maple syrup ginger switchel 3.0
2016 08 19 15.34.41

Kettle Sea Salt and Vinegar potato chips: I generally enjoy sea salt and vinegar chips, but I found this brand to be overly acidic and tart. I also prefer thinner and crispier crisps than thickly cut, crunchy ones. 2.5/5.0

kettle sea salt vinegar potato chips 2.5
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Kettle Real Sliced Potatoes sea salt + vinegar potato chips: Like the bbq flavored chips I previously reviewed, these are similar in texture: thicker and crunchier than most. The problem with this bag is that the flavor is unevenly distributed, with some very tart mouthfuls and some barely seasoned. Not one of the better salt and vinegar chips I've had. 2.5/5.0

kettle chips potatochips saltandvinegar 2.5 real sliced potatoes sea salt + vinegar potato