seaweed (31)
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Bibgo Seaweed Crisps: I broke the first rule of purchasing snacks at an ethnic grocery store (buy products with the least amount of English). Still, Bibgo is a Seoul-based company, lending it some credibility. This snack is unique with its combination of normally soft seaweed with a crisp rice cracker backing. The chips are surprisingly sweet, and initially, I liked the snack a lot. The more I ate, though, the more the rice flavor dominated. I would have preferred better balance with more seaweed flavor. A bag ha... (read more) 3.0/5.0

bibgo seaweed korean hmart 3.0 crisps instafood
2017 05 27 11.24.16

Yama Moto Yama Hot'N Spicy Teriyaki Nori Roasted Seaweed: This snack and brand is a staple in Asian grocery stores, and I ate it countless times growing up (though usually in the single-serving plastic packages, rather than the resealable container). This is the first time, though, that I've had the spicy version, which on first take is seemingly mild but quickly escalates to surprisingly high levels. Not as crispy as many of the Korean takes on seaweed crisps, which I've grown to prefer. 3.0/5.0

japanese yamamotoyama hot'n spicy teriyaki nori roasted seaweed 3.0
1be88b71 8309 4b92 90bc bc55fdeea268

Tao Kae Noi Hot Chili Squid Grilled Seaweed Super Crisp: The unique texture of these ultra thin and crispy seaweed crisps inspires me to keep trying new flavors. This one, hot chili squid, tastes like a concentrated seafood ramen seasoning packet, except that it incorporates a sweet garlic chili paste that makes it unsettling sweet. More zesty than spicy. It’s one of the less successful flavors from this line of snacks but not so bad that I wouldn’t purchase a flavor I haven’t tried before. If you enjoy dried seaweed snacks but haven’t picked up t... (read more) 3.0/5.0

nijiya taokaenoi hot chili squid grilled seaweed super crisp 3.0
Img 3684

Lonely God Japanese Seaweed Flavor Potato Chips: A quintessential Chinese snack whose name is likely the result of a mistranslation, these auger-shaped potato snacks are about 1.5 larger than Frito flavor twists and slightly softer in texture. They're coated in a savory sweet seaweed powder. Purchased from Hong Kong Supermarket, they're one of the many examples of Asian snacks commonly found in 7-11s in Taiwan, but difficult to find in America. Overall, I wish the snack were crispier, and they are sweeter than I prefer for a savory snac... (read more) 3.0/5.0

asian nori chinese hongkongsupermarket lonelygod japanese seaweed flavor potato chips 3.0
Psx 20181114 185813

Oishi Koi Mori seaweed flavored rice crackers: These were sweet glazed rice crackers shaped like fish. They had a slight seaweed flavor but tasted predominantly of brown sugar. Overall, they were decent but forgettable. 3.0/5.0

asian nori hongkongsupermarket ricecrackers oishii koi mori seaweed flavored rice crackers 3.0
Img 20190120 110900

Lays Nori seaweed potato chips: One of my favorite things is when friends gift me snacks to review (thanks Anjali!). These Lays potato chips are from Thailand and are seaweed flavored, not sushi (which was my first guess upon seeing sushi rolls on the packaging). The texture and consistency is as you would expect (thin and crispy, as much oil as it is potato), and the chips have green nori flecks that make them look like sour cream and onion. It's as sweet as it is savory, which I didn't expect but also seems to be the cas... (read more) 3.0/5.0

recommended potatochips thai international lays nori potato chips 3.0 seaweed