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G.L. Alfieri strawberry almond milk: I'm a fan of almond milk and had never had a strawberry-flavored one before, so this sample-sized bottle from G.L. Alfieri in the Ferry Building peaked my interest. Despite the questionable pepto-pink color, the drink was unexpectedly light, with a clean creamy strawberry flavor and slight nutty finish. The sweetness was just enough to trigger strawberry milk nostalgia while still feeling like a responsible, healthy adult. 4.0/5.0

glalfieri recommended ferrybuilding sanfrancisco strawbery almondmilk drinks 4.0 strawberry almond milk
1085651569259873650 1397986312

Golden Gate Bakery egg tart: Back in 2010, I came across this legendary Chinatown institution notable for its long lines of Chinese patrons. I ordered a single egg tart and sat on the curb on Grant street savoring the best egg tart I'd ever had. Unlike most I had previously tasted, which tend to sit out in display cabinets, this tart came out hot, giving the custard a glistening glow and a silky texture that was almost pudding-like. Ever since that day, I've gone out of my way to buy another on almost every trip back to... (read more) 4.5/5.0

eggtarts goldengatebakery sanfrancisco chinatown danta exceptional dessert sweets custard 4.5 egg tart
Dbba622a 2864 466e 8e2b 99d7bf7d1d6b

Golden Gate Bakery Sesame Ball: A dim sum classic, fried glutinous rice balls filled with red bean and tossed in toasted sesame seeds are a rare treat often worth the calories. Instead of choosing the default eggtart at San Francisco Chinatown’s Golden Gate Bakery, I selected their take on the sesame ball, seemingly transmogrified to twice its normal size. Barely fitting in my palm, the ball still had the same thin glutinous rice shell you expect but with double the amount of red bean paste inside. As the red bean paste is... (read more) 2.0/5.0

redbean glutinous chinese sanfrancisco goldengatebakery sesame ball 2.0
2017 01 06 17.42.23

Gott's Roadside Chocolate and Vanilla Softserve: After a long rainy week, I was craving a warm baked dessert and thought for sure I could find one in the Ferry Building on my way home. Unfortunately, I wasn't interested in cupcakes, leftover bread, or gluten-free desserts, and the line for Humphrey Slocombe was far too long. I noticed that Gott's Roadside had a sign for Strauss Creamery, whose yogurt I had recently enjoyed, so i decided to give it a try. Unfortunately, I realized afterward that their soft serve isn't made using anything... (read more) 2.0/5.0

icecream softserve sanfrancisco ferrybuilding gottsroadside chocolate vanilla 2.0
2016 09 18 17.46.50

Humphry Slocombe Blue Bottle Vietnamese Coffee: I'm not a coffee drinker myself, and I typically don't order coffee-flavored desserts. I am, however, a huge fan of the Blue Bottle Vietnamese coffee flavor at Humphry Slocombe, the San Francisco-based ice cream shop that consistently offers great quality ice cream in unusual flavors. While coffee is one of the more traditional offerings, it's still distinctive: both robust and creamy with the addition of condensed milk. Highly recommended. 4.0/5.0

recommended icecream sanfrancisco humphryslocombe blue bottle vietnamese coffee 4.0
2017 05 26 16.35.57

Humphry Slocombe Fromage Blanc with Strawberry Ice Cream: Classic cheesecake flavor - with more cheese than strawberry (and thus, aptly named). Rich enough to make you dehydrated. Slightly icy in texture rather than smooth. If this were my first exposure to Humphrey Slocombe, I would think it was overrated and probably wouldn't return. But since I've had better there, I know there are other flavors worth seeking. 3.0/5.0

icecream sanfrancisco cheesecake humphryslocombe fromage blanc strawberry ice cream 3.0