peanut (44)
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1029206073222137009 1397986312

Trader Joe's Peanut Butter & Oat Bars: Honestly tastes more like a cookie than an oat bar, but I'll take it! Surprisingly moist and filling. Good peanut butter flavor and chewy texture. 3.5/5.0

traderjoes peanutbutter recommended peanuts oat fiber 3.5 peanut butter bars
1072154686617061128 1397986312

Trader Joe's peanut butter & jelly nonfat Greek yogurt: A unique yogurt flavor I haven't seen from another brand. The yogurt captures the essence of peanut butter and jelly in a surprisingly faithful way. So much so that I wanted a glass of milk afterward. The yogurt itself is thin and watery for Greek yogurt; not the best texture. Nonetheless, TJ's scores some points for originality here. 3.5/5.0

traderjoes pbj yogurt greekyogurt snack dairy recommended 3.5 peanut butter jelly nonfat greek
1168604772833723888 1397986312

Trader Joe's rolled oats and peanut butter fiberful granola bars: Like most fiber bars, all semblance of healthfulness is masked in candy-bar coatings. This one has a chocolate base, drizzled chocolate, and a chewy peanut butter and oats foundation. Don't get me wrong: I'm not complaining. This candy bar that just so happens to have 9g of fiber is a filling snack to get you through your post-lunch hunger pang. 3.5/5.0

traderjoes granolabar peanubutter oats chocolate recommended 3.5 rolled peanut butter fiberful granola bars
Pxl 20210427 194749552

Trader Joe's Chocolate & Peanut Butter Joe Joe's Sandwich Cookies: I'm not sure if there's anything more American than these single-cookie serving size sandwich cookies from Trader Joe's, with alternating peanut butter and chocolate layers (essentially an Oreo with peanut butter filling, covered in a peanut butter frosting-like exterior drizzled with more chocolate). On a hot day, the waxy outer coating can melt quickly in your hand. It tastes a bit like a better quality Reese's cup, but with a cookie base (the quality of the chocolate, in particular, is ... (read more) 3.0/5.0

cookies tjs traderjoes chocolate peanut butter joe joe's sandwich 3.0
A0396d59 3cf9 421f 9162 7d8dcac160f0

Trader Joe’s Bamba peanut snacks: Popular Israeli snack Bamba lands at Trader Joe’s. Mini corn-puffs coated with peanut flavoring, they have a fairly neutral nutty flavor (a little sweet and a little savory). Resembles plain peanut butter and similarly coats your mouth after a few handfuls. 3.0/5.0

cornpuffs peanutbutter traderjoes bamba peanut 3.0
D220b54e 2dfc 4175 997b 37f45aa08487

Trader Joe’s Blueberry Almond Peanut Date and Nut Bites: Energy bites are the new granola bars, though they’re not as filling and tend to have small serving sizes. That’s the case with this 2-per-serving snack from Trader Joe’s consisting of a soft mix of dried fruit, nuts, and seeds. The usual suspects of natural health snacks are present (chia seeds and coconut). They are pretty high in sugar given the size but don’t have any added sugar. Tastes predominantly of dates, though you also get a bit of berry too. Decent as far as this type of product... (read more) 3.0/5.0

tjs energybites chia seeds traderjoes blueberry almond peanut date nut bites 3.0