Yoku Moku Rolled Cigares: In Japan, there is a very strong culture of giving gifts to people you work with. There were several times when I found myself purchasing gift boxes from depachika, the underground food courts in Japanese malls, where you can find everything from boxed chocolates, rice crackers, cookies, and candies in beautifully ornate boxes. I would usually browse all the stalls before picking a few I thought looked the most delicious (which was both very hard, because there were so many options, and qu... (read more) 4.0/5.0
exception cookies japanese uwajimaya yokumoku rolled cigares 4.0Freezing Point Creamery Matcha Rolled Ice Cream: Originating from Thailand, rolled ice cream is a technique for making fresh ice cream from scratch to order. Liquid ice cream base is poured onto a cold metal pan (think crepe-grill-sized) and is then mixed, scraped, and chopped by hand before its spread into a single, solidified layer. At this point, the scraper is used to roll the ice cream into individual pieces resembling fruit roll up / mini crepes, looking nothing like your typical scoop of ice cream. I ended up at Freezing Point Cr... (read more) 2.0/5.0
icecream oakland freezingpointcreamery matcha rolled ice cream 2.0Trader Joe's rolled oats and peanut butter fiberful granola bars: Like most fiber bars, all semblance of healthfulness is masked in candy-bar coatings. This one has a chocolate base, drizzled chocolate, and a chewy peanut butter and oats foundation. Don't get me wrong: I'm not complaining. This candy bar that just so happens to have 9g of fiber is a filling snack to get you through your post-lunch hunger pang. 3.5/5.0
traderjoes granolabar peanubutter oats chocolate recommended 3.5 rolled peanut butter fiberful granola bars