lemonade (26)
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2017 07 04 14.30.54

Great Northern Food Hall Seabuckthorn Lemonade: We celebrated Fourth of July (a bit behind on reviews...) with Danish dogs at the Great Northern Food Hall, a Nordic food court in Grand Central Terminal (NYC) serving everything from open faced sandwiches to pastries to specialty drinks. To accompany the (tasty) hot dogs, I purchased a Seabuckthorn lemonade, which had a mostly opaque orange color that could easily be mistaken for orange juice save for the orange seabuckthorn berries floating on top. Acidic and slightly sour, it was a refr... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended drinks nyc greatnorthernfoodhall seabuckthorn lemonade 4.0
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Herb Lyceum cranberry lavender lemonade: Fantastic refreshing drink that's surprisingly light and faintly floral. Available by the cup at the Kendall Square farmers market. 4.5/5.0

drinks exceptional kendallsquare herblyceum cranberry lavender lemonade 4.5
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Kung Fu Tea honey lemonade with boba: This "less sweet" drink (at 30% sweetness) was unbalanced, with an unpleasant amount of acidity that built up over time. The real crime was the boba, though, which was so soft it was almost like chewing gum. No bite whatsoever. Quality control is not good in Chinatown. 1.0/5.0

kungfutea chinatown boston lemonade boba honey drinks asian avoid 1.0
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Luke's Lobster blueberry lemonade with honey: Prominent honey flavor, moderate acidity level. Berry flavor is mild. Overall, a decent drink, though the result is not more than the sum of its parts. 3.0/5.0

drinks lukeslobster blueberry lemonade lemon honey 3.0
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Mighty-O Donuts Lavender Lemonade: Seattle vegan donut shop Might-O Donuts has a surprisingly large variety of housemade drinks, making it harder to choose which beverage to to get over a donut flavor. The lavender lemonade was initially refreshing floral, but the flavor didn't permeate through the entire cup (I maybe should have stirred it more), so after I got halfway through, it tasted a little diluted. But it was still interesting enough that I'd try other drinks the next time I go. 3.0/5.0

drinks seattle mightyodonuts lavender lemonade 3.0
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Olipop Ginger Lemon Sparkling Tonic: A sparkling tonic designed to support digestive health, this ginger lemon soda has a solid ginger flavor that's pleasantly spiced and acidic. There aren't many other drinks I've had that taste quite like it. I wish it were a little fizzier, and it does have a alternative-sweetner aftertaste because it uses Stevia. Otherwise, I think it's a unique offering for those that are open to low-calorie, low-sugar options with a new spin. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks pic olipop ginger lemonade sparkling tonic 3.5