jalapeno (16)
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PopCorners Cheesy Jalapeño Chips: I've generally been a fan of Pop Corners, a mainstream popcorn chip brand whose products are flavorful without being over-seasoned. After stumbling across the jalapeñ cheddar flavor for the first time, I decided to give it a try. With the first chip, I thought the heat level was quite weak, but the jalapeñ sneaks up on you after several more. The flavor is kind of junk-food-like but in a satisfyingly healthy way, as you know you're eating popcorn and not some deep fried potato chip. I went t... (read more) 3.5/5.0

popcorners recommended 3.5 chips popcorn jalapeno cheddar cheesy jalapeño
1047858722880390801 1397986312

Laurel Hill jalapeño potato chips: While the chips are inconsistently flavored and seasoned (with some tasting like plain potato chips and some having too much jalapeñ flavoring), the chips themselves are light and crispy. Jalapeñ flavor, when you can taste it, has a snackable amount of heat. Decent. 3.0/5.0

potatochips laurelhill jalapeno chips crisps jalapeño potato 3.0
2017 01 20 12.24.10

HR Poppin' Snacks Cheddar Inferno Popcorn: Looks are deceiving with this bag of cheddar popcorn - its standard orange color belies its spicy flavor, brought out by cayenne, chili, and jalapeño powder. A nice amount of heat, though the popcorn isn't as light and airy as it could be. Has a very long ingredient list filled with artificial colorings. This bag magically appeared at work, so I'm not sure where one would go to purchase it, but it's not bad for what it is. 3.0/5.0

popcorn jalapeno spicy cheese hrpoppinsnacks cheddar inferno 3.0
2017 02 03 15.25.59

Cheeseboard X-Bread: Slightly spicy roll with jalapeno, scallions, and cheddar. Best served warm, as most baked goods are, when you can most enjoy its warm and fluffy interior. The flavor is bold but relatively one note. Still, if you enjoy cheesy breads, you will likely have no complaints. 3.0/5.0

bread berkeley cheddar jalapeno spicy cheeseboard x-bread 3.0
Img 4571

Boulder Canyon Jalapeno Cheddar kettle chips : It's crunchy. It's a little bit spicy. And it's a-ok. Nothing particularly memorable here. 3.0/5.0

potatochips bouldercanyon jalapeno cheddar kettle chips 3.0
808639825733518481 1397986312

Au Bon Pain asiago cheese bagel: The texture of the bagel itself is mediocre, but the cheesy and jalapeño flavor is not as bad (though it may be a little heavy handed). 2.5/5.0

bakery jalapeno aubonpain asiago cheese bagel 2.5