hmart (101)
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761973440152635054 1397986312

Wei-Chuan red bean and jelly popsicle: Icy bar studded with red beans and slivers of green jelly. Jelly adds an intriguing texture but is mostly flavorless. Pop as a whole is in the sweet side. 2.5/5.0

hmart asian chinese weichuan red bean jelly popsicle 2.5
781463871559074973 1397986312

Silang Oatmeal Crackers: nutty crumbly cookies (rather than crackers) that are barely sweetened. Comes in individual serving packs of two cookies, which makes them ideal for a quick snack in between meals (but they aren't very filling). 2.5/5.0

cookies chinese hmart japanese asian silang oatmeal crackers 2.5
785118830292927743 1397986312

Haioreun Mellow Pumpkin bun: A surprising and interesting take on a sweet bun. Filled with sweet pumpkin (and similar in texture to red bean paste), the filling has a clear pumpkin flavor that also tasted a bit like cantaloupe. Altogether, though, the filling is 2x too sweet. The bun steams up well and is soft and neutral. 2.5/5.0

korean hmart haioreun mellow pumpkin bun 2.5
844429037044794587 1397986312

Nongshim seafood ramen: Good packaged ramen that comes with a garnish pouch containing mini fish cakes. A decent alternative to normal beef or chicken flavored ramen. 2.5/5.0

ramen korean noodles fish seafood food hmart nongshim 2.5
2016 08 06 15.05.05

Befco Nori-flavored Bakauke Rice Crackers: This is my first time eating Bakauke, a Japanese rice snack with a glazed exterior and oblong shape. The type I purchased from Hmart was flavored with soy sauce and nori. While the seaweed flavor was distinctive, the soy sauce was overpowering and made the crackers salty overall. 2.5/5.0

hmart japanese ricecrackers befco nori-flavored bakauke rice crackers 2.5
947467048086439386 1397986312

三星社 green tea castella: Somehow manages to be both moist and slightly dry. Green tea flavor is not bad, but the cake overall is overly sweet. Expensive ($5 for 4 pieces) 2.5/5.0

greentea matcha castella japanese hmart cake sweets green tea 2.5