hmart (101)
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Lotte Kokal Corn Soup Snack: I don't know what it is about corn soup that inspires corn-soup-flavored snacks in Asia, but I'm certainly not complaining. These Korean snacks are exactly the same size and shape and Bugles – conical corn snacks that are most definitely not healthy. The corn soup flavor leaned more salty than sweet, tasting of what I'd imagine concentrated corn-soup-flavored soup mix powder might taste like sprinkled over fried corn snacks. Not one of the better corn soup snacks I've been adding to my re... (read more) 3.0/5.0

korean hmart junkfood bugles cornsoup lotte kokal corn soup snack 3.0
1224267377342186800 1397986312

Maeda-En black sesame ice cream: Barely sweetened ice cream with a distinctly savory black sesame flavor. Very creamy and rich. Smooth texture. 3.0/5.0

maedaen japanese hmart 3.0 icecream blacksesame dessert black sesame ice cream
1119041764822647832 1397986312

Maruesun dried squid: I grew up eating shredded dried squid, but this is one of the first kind of I've had that is flat. To be honest, the main reason I purchased this product is because it was the least expensive at $3 a bag (about half the price of the alternatives at Hmart). Inside is bite-sized strips of squid, almost like eating beef jerky, and each strip is coated in what seems to be sugar. Overall, the coating makes the snack overly sweet, though the chewy texture and seafood flavor come through. Not bad b... (read more) 3.0/5.0

squid seafood hmart maruesu japanese asian maruesun dried 3.0
747364063227708812 1397986312

Maruhiko uni suki: uni-flavored rice crackers. seafood-like flavor, but doesn't taste distinctly of uni. odd smell. 2.0/5.0

hmart crackers ricecrackers asian japanese maruhiko uni suki 2.0
747365089263519142 1397986312

Mikawaya Exottics green tea ice cream sandwich: delicious, refreshing, and creamy green tea ice cream, slightly floral 4.0/5.0

recommended matcha hmart mikawaya exottics green tea ice cream sandwich 4.0 icecream
2016 07 23 20.28.08

Nice Choice Egg Soft Flour Cake: With a quintessentially lost-in-translation Chinese name, this brand of sachima is a great deal. The cakes are very substantial (you could share one with a friend) and have a satisfying chewy consistency. For those who have not had sachima before, it's a rectangular Chiense treat with fried dough and melted rock sugar that lends a chewy and slightly crispy texture. As one of the less expensive snacks at HMart, Nice Choice is indeed a nice choice. 3.5/5.0

hmart asian sachima nicechoice egg soft flour cake 3.5 recommended