garlic (20)
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Rising Moon Organics Garlic & Basil Tomato Sauce: Not a snack, but felt compelled to share Rising Moon Organic's delicious garlic & basil pasta sauce. Clean & fresh flavor. 4.0/5.0

recommended risingmoonorganics garlic basil tomato sauce 4.0
832291886840710231 1397986312

Garden of Eatin' multigrain everything tortilla chips: Crunchy chips with layers of flavor that develop as you eat, including garlic, onion, flaxseed, and poppy seeds. Tasty and addicting. 4.0/5.0

gardenofeatin chips tortilla multigrain onion garlic poppyseeds recommended everything 4.0
13423590 1692237711044969 1634183587 n

Saffron Road garlic parmesan lentil chips: An extremely addicting veggie chip snack with a savory cheese coating. Chips have great texture and are crunchy and light. Only downside is the small 4-portion bag size. Looking forward to trying other flavors. Purchased from Whole Foods. 4.0/5.0

saffronroad parmesan garlic chips veggie lentils 4.0 recommended wholefoods lentil
2017 04 07 20.15.15

Oorifood Premium Garlic Snack: Since moving to the Bay Area, I've been impressed with how well American grocery stores stock Asian snacks in their ethnic food aisles. Berkeley Bowl in particular has an array of both Japanese and Chinese staples, including dried seafood, shrimp crackers, and multiple varieties of rice crackers (even carrying their own in the bulk section). But one thing that I have missed is Korean snacks, which I had easy access to back in Cambridge, MA since I lived close to an HMart. Luckily, I recent... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended korean puffs longreads oorifood premium garlic snack 4.0
Pxl 20201229 083544297

Hula's Shrimp and Garlic Maui Chips: Another flavor of Hula's potato chips, Japanese kettle-style potato chips that stand out for their Western-looking packaging and portion sizes (typically in Japan, the potato chips come in smaller 1-2 serving packs). Shrimp and Garlic is not a normal potato chip flavor I'd see stateside, so it was exciting to give this Asian take a try. The garlic flavor is very prominent and is the main flavor you taste, though the seafood does come through as well. It reminds me a bit of shrimp scampi, ... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended chips queensistena japanese potatochips hulas shrimp garlic maui 4.0
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Suzie's cilantro, garlic, & green chile naan crackers: Dense, crouton nuggets of intense flavor and heat 3.5/5.0

recommended indian suzies cilantro garlic green chile naan crackers 3.5