The Laughing Cow Belcube Ham, Tomato, and Green Peppercorn Cheese: I used to get these Laughing Cow cheeses from supermarkets in Taiwan, but also very shortly in the US before they stopped selling them in the American market (in favor of those red-wax cheese wheels), so I was glad to see that they sell the cubes in Japan. This pack came with 15 cubes, 5 of 3 different flavors: ham, tomatoes a la provencale, and green peppercorns. Each cube is wrapped in foil and has a convenient system that peels off the central sides of the cube to make them easy to open... (read more) 4.0/5.0
recommended cheese thelaughingcow belcube ham tomato green peppercorn 4.0 japaneseMorgenstern's x Repeller Tomato Gazpachoo Ice Cream Bar: Slightly larger than a stick of butter, this special edition ice cream bar from NYC-based shop Morgenstern's consists of gazpacho flavored ice cream coated in a thin tomato-flavored shell. The shell is softer than your regular chocolate dip because of its high fat content (it's made of cocoa butter and coconut oil), so the coating dissolves on the tongue quickly, exposing the fantastic combination of tomato, cucumber, and lemon that make up the ice cream filling. The dessert on the whole b... (read more) 4.5/5.0
exceptional icecream tomato gazpacho dessert morgensternsxrepeller gazpachoo ice cream bar 4.5 morgensternsSamboy Atomic Tomato potato chips: This proudly Australian brand of ridged potato chips is a vending machine staple. I purchased them to use up a few coins before leaving the country. The atomic tomato flavor turns out to be ketchup with a prominent vinegar taste. The ridges are not as dense as American ridged chips like Ruffles. Overall, I found the chips to be surprisingly addicting though certainly not good for you. 3.0/5.0
samboy potatochips australian tomato 3.0 ketchup recommended atomic potato chipsLay's Spanish tomato tango chips: These chips were brought back from India, where the flavor names are prefaced by the country with which they're inspired from. The chips were distinct from standard Lay's, with a ridged texture; the flavor can be described as a robust ketchup with underlying spices that give it depth. What they have to do with Spain I have no idea, but overall, this was a surprisingly memorable snack. 3.5/5.0
lays potatochips india recommended foreign tomato ketchup 3.5 spanish tango chipsRising Moon Organics Garlic & Basil Tomato Sauce: Not a snack, but felt compelled to share Rising Moon Organic's delicious garlic & basil pasta sauce. Clean & fresh flavor. 4.0/5.0
recommended risingmoonorganics garlic basil tomato sauce 4.0