garlic (20)
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2016 11 30 17.01.27

Jarlsberg Garlic and Herb Cheese Crips: These unfortunate crisps contain only traces of cheese powder and mostly taste of dried thyme. Cannot see them pairing well with anything. 1.5/5.0

avoid berkeleybowl jarlsberg garlic herb cheese crips 1.5
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Koikeya Roasted Shrimp and Garlic Corn Snacks: Shaped like crunchy Cheetos, these corn sticks are heavily seasoned with a roasted seafood flavor that's both salty and sweet. Like an amped up version of Shrimp Chips, with the same level of saturated flavor as a Frito Lay's snack but distinctively Asian with its use of shellfish in junk food. Purchased at Inegaya. 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese koikeya roasted shrimp garlic corn snacks 3.5
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Lesser Evil Super 4 Snacks kale and roasted garlic: Tubular shaped, crunchy snacks coated with a bold garlic flavor. Composed of white bean, quinoa, lentil, and chia. Addicting but shouldn't be eaten without a breath mint on hand. 3.0/5.0

super4 lesserevil kale roastedgarlic garlic super 4 roasted 3.0
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Milton's Garlic and Herb crackers: Sizable circular wheat crackers with a hearty garlic flavor. While the serving size is only two crackers, they are large enough for the portion size to feel substantial. I would imagine they pair nicely with mild cheeses, but I've been snacking on them on their own. 3.5/5.0

recommended safeway miltons garlic herb crackers 3.5
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New York Style roasted garlic bagel crisps: The type of snack that makes you terrified to open your mouth around others, even 12 hours later. Not pleasant. 2.0/5.0

bagelcrisps garlic avoid bagels newyorkstyle roasted bagel crisps 2.0
2017 04 07 20.15.15

Oorifood Premium Garlic Snack: Since moving to the Bay Area, I've been impressed with how well American grocery stores stock Asian snacks in their ethnic food aisles. Berkeley Bowl in particular has an array of both Japanese and Chinese staples, including dried seafood, shrimp crackers, and multiple varieties of rice crackers (even carrying their own in the bulk section). But one thing that I have missed is Korean snacks, which I had easy access to back in Cambridge, MA since I lived close to an HMart. Luckily, I recent... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended korean puffs longreads oorifood premium garlic snack 4.0