Culture Plain frozen yogurt with pumpkin cheesecake topping : The pumpkin cheesecake topping at Culture, a yogurt chain in NYC, features cubes of pumpkin-flavored cheesecake and a drizzle of pumpkin syrup / caramel. The cheesecake pieces were well spiced, and the syrup was rich but not too sweet. My favorite part was the plain frozen yogurt, though, which is always smooth, tart, and creamy. 3.5/5.0
recommended froyo nyc dessert culture plain frozen yogurt pumpkin cheesecake topping 3.5Culture Raspberry frozen yogurt: This is the best raspberry soft serve I’ve ever had, with a concentrated berry flavor that’s sweet and tart. With a flavor this good, it’s best eaten without any toppings. Seasonal flavor from NYC-based yogurt shop Culture. (Purchased over a month ago now, so raspberry may not be on the current menu, but their menu changes every day so it just may return.) 4.5/5.0
exceptional nyc dessert froyo culture raspberry frozen yogurt 4.5Culture Plain yogurt with crystallized ginger: I rarely get toppings with ice cream, but the add ins at Culture are often just as good as its frozen yogurt, which is already excellent. This time, I got their crystallized ginger topping, which is probably the best candied ginger I’ve had - cut into strips as thin as fruit leather, with a potently spicy bite, all while being just sweet enough. The plain yogurt from Culture was very good too - nicely tart and creamy. 4.0/5.0
recommended froyo brooklyn nyc culture plain yogurt crystallized ginger 4.0Culture Plain frozen yogurt with key lime pie topping: Tart and just sweet enough, this plain frozen yogurt from Culture is a dependably good choice. Their key lime topping features a yummy graham cracker crumble and a drizzle of tart lime syrup. If you prefer citrusy and tart desserts, this one is a winner. 3.5/5.0
recommended nyc froyo culture plain frozen yogurt key lime pie topping 3.5Culture Frozen yogurt with pina colada topping: Culture is a chain of NYC yogurt shops offering both frozen and regular yogurt in an ever-changing menu of flavors, with new menus every day. Their seasonal flavored yogurts are consistently excellent—concentrated and clean with a high quality tart yogurt base. I enjoyed their plain yogurt their pina colada seasonal topping, which had a sweet tropical drizzle and chewy coconut macaron-like bites. It was very tasty and had a great balance of sweet and tart. Look forward to an embarrassing num... (read more) 4.0/5.0
recommended froyo brooklyn dessert culture frozen yogurt pina colada topping 4.0Pinkberry Passion fruit mango frozen yogurt: Pinkberry is one of the very few chains I return to because I’ve never had anything less than good there. At SFO before my one-way flight, I purchased their tropical passion fruit mango flavor, which had an intense passion fruitt flavor and light orange mango color. It worked perfectly well for breakfast - light and tart, with freshly cut fruit and surprisingly good chewy mochi bits. A little pricy, at over $5 with the small and toppings, but definitely the most reasonable option in Termina... (read more) 4.0/5.0
recommended froyo sf sfo fruit pinkberry passion mango frozen yogurt 4.0