crystallized (2)
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7cd0b285 7885 4091 82a2 1facea67aee1

Culture Plain yogurt with crystallized ginger: I rarely get toppings with ice cream, but the add ins at Culture are often just as good as its frozen yogurt, which is already excellent. This time, I got their crystallized ginger topping, which is probably the best candied ginger I’ve had - cut into strips as thin as fruit leather, with a potently spicy bite, all while being just sweet enough. The plain yogurt from Culture was very good too - nicely tart and creamy. 4.0/5.0

recommended froyo brooklyn nyc culture plain yogurt crystallized ginger 4.0
6f1ab56f 9565 462c 9bde 6efabbd0b81b

Sconehenge Crystallized ginger and lemon English tea scones: At the checkout at Monterey Market in Berkeley is a variety of locally-baked good positioned as impulse buys. Cookies, chocolates, and small cakes are neatly arranged, mostly near the register closest to the exit. For a tea party, I purchased these Sconehenge crystallized ginger and lemon scones, which were of surprisingly excellent quality. These packaged scones were more flavorful, moist, and light than any scone I’ve purchased directly from a bakery. One of its most distinct qualities was... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended montereymarket sconehenge crystallized ginger lemon english tea scones 4.0