drinks (542)
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Perrier L’orange Sparkling Water: I generally prefer Perrier to San Pellegrino because it has a higher level of carbonation and less of a salty aftertaste. This orange-flavored version is refreshing and perfect as a mid-day palate cleanser. 3.5/5.0

recommended orange citrus sparkling water perrier l’orange 3.5 drinks
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Perrier Watermelon Sparkling Water: Sharp fizzy sparkling water with a concentrated fruit flavor that doesn’t taste artificial. Conveniently sized can that’s slightly smaller than a 12oz, which I typically find a bit large for accompanying a meal. A smart direction for Perrier given the success of La Croix (I find this drink better than most La Croix I’ve had.) 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks perrier watermelon sparkling water 3.5
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Perrier Pink grapefruit sparkling water: A more standard (but still good) sparkling water option from Perrier, with a sharp and tangy citrus flavor. Refreshing and, as always, 0 calories. 3.5/5.0

drinks seltzer recommended perrier pink grapefruit sparkling water 3.5
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Petillant Vimto fruit soda: Vivid red-colored soda, incredibly artificial, crazy sweet. 2.0/5.0

drinks petillantvimto fruit soda 2.0
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&pizza berry ginger lemonade: I was excited about all the craft soda options available at the fast-casual pizza chain &. Unfortunately, all six I sampled from their fountain machine were overly sweet. This berry lemonade had just a bit of spiciness from the ginger but tasted mostly like berry juice. 2.0/5.0

soda drinks & ginger lemonade berry 2.0 pizza
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Pokemon Sweets Pikachu Crackle Juice: I purchased this beverage from the Pikachu Sweets shop in Sunshine City, a mall in Tokyo featuring many Pokemon shops. The juice was pretty pricy, at $6, and tasted strongly of sweet pineapple. It had an ice cube in a shape of a round Pikachu head and contained pop-rocks so that it literally crackles. I like the creativity of the drink and think it's fitting for the game; it was too sweet for me to ever want to have again, though, and was priced for tourism. 3.0/5.0

drinks pokemon juice pineapple pokemonsweets pikachu crackle 3.0