custard (8)
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2016 09 24 13.20.45

Meisum Bakery Asian Pastries: I previously reviewed this bakery's mochi peanut dessert, which remains my favorite product. During my last visit to this small Chinatown bakery, I tried the egg tart and pineapple bun, both of which were fairly standard as far as Asian bakeries go. The egg tart was firm and cold, a sign that it had been sitting out for some time. Still, the flavor was not bad but ordinary. The pineapple bun was a bit better, with a nice crispy crumble that was just the right level of sweetness. Overall... (read more) 3.0/5.0

chinatown boston eggtart custard pineapplebun bread meisumbakery asian pastries 3.0
747361975554835790 1397986312

Sanko-Seika custard rice crackers: Savory crackers coated w/ caramel egg custard icing. Tastes intriguing & gross 0.5/5.0

avoid asian recommended sankoseika custard rice crackers 0.5