bites (14)
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Sun Tropics Thai Bird Sriracha Mochi Snack Bites: It's been interesting to see crunchy mochi snacks show up in more and more places, especially when their product placement is side by side with the chewy dessert mochi that's more familiar. I personally was not such a fan of the Trader Joe's mochi bites, which are overseasoned, but I did enjoy these sweet and spicy Thai bird sriracha flavored ones that I purchased from Ballard Market. The little nuggets are dense yet crispy, definitely get stuck in your teeth, and are dusted with an orange... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended ballardmarket suntropics thai bird sriracha mochi snack bites 3.5
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Sun Tropics Golden Curry Mochi Snack Bites: This is the second flavor I've had from Sun Tropic's Mochi Snack Bites line, purchased at Ballard Market. The Golden Curry flavor has a warming spiced flavor that I haven't seen in many western grocery stores, and it has an unexpectedly sweet aftertaste. The bites are crunchy and dense but in a filling, substantial way. Would definitely purchase again. 3.5/5.0

ballardmarket recommended suntropics golden curry mochi snack bites 3.5
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Trader Joe's fig bites: : TJ's version of Fig Newtons is appreciably better, with a soft exterior (that isn't as crumbly as a Fig Newton) and a sweet fig filling The filling is less chewy than alternative fig bars and had a satisfying bite from the seeds. Overall, a very good snack. 4.0/5.0

traderjoes fig figbars fruit driedfruit 4.0 recommended bites
2017 07 17 09.45.15

Trader Joe's Rice Bites with Quinoa & Cranberries: To be honest, I'm not a big fan of quinoa, and dried cranberries are probably my least favorite dried fruit. So why exactly did I purchase these grain + fruit bites from Trader Joe's? I blame it on my curiosity for this growing food trend of bite-sized squares, in both chewy and crunchy varieties, that appeal to health-minded consumers yet are not actually so healthy from a pure calorie and sugar-intake perspective. Trader Joe's take is simply not good. It has a cloying, artifical sweetn... (read more) 2.5/5.0

traderjoes rice bites quinoa cranberries 2.5
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Trader Joe's Oven-Baked Cheese Bites: This small 2-serving packet of imported Italian cheese bites consists of baked rounds of "aged cheese" (not specifically identified in the ingredients list) as well as grana padano cheese. That's pretty much it - the ingredient list is literally two items. The bites are crispy, but because of the high fat content, they dissolve in your mouth quickly, leaving a bit of an oily aftertaste. The cheese is tangy and a little funky, definitely not your typical cheddar snack. I didn't really car... (read more) 2.0/5.0

traderjoes oven-baked cheese bites 2.0
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Trader Joe’s Blueberry Almond Peanut Date and Nut Bites: Energy bites are the new granola bars, though they’re not as filling and tend to have small serving sizes. That’s the case with this 2-per-serving snack from Trader Joe’s consisting of a soft mix of dried fruit, nuts, and seeds. The usual suspects of natural health snacks are present (chia seeds and coconut). They are pretty high in sugar given the size but don’t have any added sugar. Tastes predominantly of dates, though you also get a bit of berry too. Decent as far as this type of product... (read more) 3.0/5.0

tjs energybites chia seeds traderjoes blueberry almond peanut date nut bites 3.0