2017 07 17 09.45.15

Trader Joe's Rice Bites with Quinoa & Cranberries: To be honest, I'm not a big fan of quinoa, and dried cranberries are probably my least favorite dried fruit. So why exactly did I purchase these grain + fruit bites from Trader Joe's? I blame it on my curiosity for this growing food trend of bite-sized squares, in both chewy and crunchy varieties, that appeal to health-minded consumers yet are not actually so healthy from a pure calorie and sugar-intake perspective. Trader Joe's take is simply not good. It has a cloying, artifical sweetness reminiscent of sugar substitutes, and it takes a lot of them to be remotely filling as a snack. The bag itself also has few servings. And at the end of the day, quinoa and cranberries just aren't that tasty. 2.5/5.0

traderjoes rice bites quinoa cranberries 2.5