Harvest deluxe whole cranberries: Plump and exceptionally good cranberries that work great in oatmeals or salad. Very sweet, like most dried fruit, so use wisely but sparingly. 4.0/5.0
harvest cranberries driedfruit recommended 4.0 deluxe wholeNoosa Mango whole milk yogurt: This is Noosa week, where I’ll share a review a day of the whole milk yogurt flavors I’ve tried over the past month. First up is the mango flavor, which contains cubes of ripe mango and whose sweetness pairs well with the slightly tart, creamy yogurt. While these containers are marked as single serving, I find the yogurt filling and sweet enough that I never eat more than half in a single sitting. This is a classic and quality fruit flavor that is easy to recommend. 4.0/5.0
recommended fruit noosa mango whole milk yogurt 4.0Way Better Snacks Sweet Chili Whole Grain Corn Tortilla Chips: I got these chips with my lunch and was pleasantly surprised by how good they were. They have a kind of sriracha flavor that is mildly sweet and whose heat builds up over time, and the chips have a satisfying crispy texture that feels healthy yet flavorful. The chips contain flax, quinoa, chia seeds, broccoli, and radish seeds. I don't really like plain tortilla chips because I never buy dips - these are multigrain chips that stand on their own! 4.0/5.0
recommended chips sriracha spicy multigrain waybettersnacks sweet chili whole grain corn tortilla 4.0Liberte Lavender whole milk yogurt: I tend not to purchase this whole milk yogurt because of its high fat content, but I was intrigued by Liberte’s lavender flavor offering. The yogurt was well balanced, a commendable feat since lavender is particularly hard to get right. Floral and creamy without tasting like soap. High quality yogurt too. 3.5/5.0
recommended berkeleybowl liberte lavender whole milk yogurt 3.5Noosa Tart cherry whole milk yogurt: All-around quality creamy whole milk yogurt, with heartier pieces of fruit compote than normally found in comparable brands. Sweet but still satisfying. At a more manageable, snackable size for lunches than the normal flatter Noosa containers. 3.5/5.0
recommended noosa tart cherry whole milk yogurt 3.5Noosa Raspberry whole milk yogurt: I liked how the texture of berry segments was preserved in the fresh and sweet raspberry pulp mixed in to this Noosa flavor. As far as standard berry flavored yogurts go, this is above average but not so much so that I would go out of my way to eat a raspberry flavored yogurt (except to write this review). 3.5/5.0
recommended berkeleybowl noosa raspberry whole milk yogurt 3.5