wafers (11)
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1110526137065572115 1397986312

Lacta Biz chocolate wafers: Lacta is a Brazilian chocolate brand owned by Mondelez & Kraft. This pack of milk chocolate covered wafers contained individually wrapped mini bars about 3/4 the size of a KitKat (though it's wider). Wafer was slightly crispier than a KitKat; chocolate was about average for this type of candy bar. 2.5/5.0

bis chocolate wafer brazillian 2.5 lactabiz wafers
2017 01 16 19.41.30

Loacker Vanilla Wafers: Made with Bourbon vanilla pods, these wafer cookies have a solid vanilla flavor but are too sweet overall. The wafers themselves have a more satisfying crispy texture than Garden wafers, the type you typically see in Asian grocery stores, but I prefer Garden's as they're more substantial and also less sugary. 3.0/5.0

italian sweet loacker vanilla wafers 3.0
874202113718388553 1397986312

Manner Neapolitan Wafers: Austrian wafer treat with a rich, Nutella-like chocolate filling that has a distinct nutty texture. A bit sweet (and also really messy to eat!), but very yummy. 4.0/5.0

manner neopolitan wafer hazlenut foreign european chocolate recommended neapolitan wafers 4.0
B99349d8 633c 4ee8 9004 dcda94b39134

Quadratini Raspberry Yogurt Wafers: I generally enjoy Quadratini wafers for their consistent quality and solid flavor. The square shaped wafers are crispy and thick, and this raspberry yogurt version was definitely tangy enough to distinguish itself from a pure raspberry fruit flavor. Well balanced overall, though it isn’t one of my favorites. If you enjoy berry flavors that have some depth, this one is worth trying. 3.5/5.0

recommended sweets quadratini raspberry yogurt wafers 3.5
2017 03 09 16.28.45

Ruger Chocolate Flavored Wafers: Purchased from the vending machine at work, this two-serving pack of wafers is surprisingly good. Packaged in Willy-Wonka gold foil, the wafers have a great crispy texture, and the amount of chocolate feels generous. Not a very healthy snack, but certainly one of the better vending machine options out there. 3.5/5.0

recommended ruger chocolate flavored wafers 3.5