seafood (28)
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Maruesun dried squid: I grew up eating shredded dried squid, but this is one of the first kind of I've had that is flat. To be honest, the main reason I purchased this product is because it was the least expensive at $3 a bag (about half the price of the alternatives at Hmart). Inside is bite-sized strips of squid, almost like eating beef jerky, and each strip is coated in what seems to be sugar. Overall, the coating makes the snack overly sweet, though the chewy texture and seafood flavor come through. Not bad b... (read more) 3.0/5.0

squid seafood hmart maruesu japanese asian maruesun dried 3.0
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Calbee Hot Garlic Shrimp Crackers: Another unexpected take on this classic Chinese shrimp cracker, this time "hot garlic." Ridged crisps are tossed in a tangy seasoned coating that is unmistakably garlic but not particularly spicy. Somewhat reminiscent of a sweet paprika flavor mixed with MSG. Same delicious savory shrimp flavor. I don't know if I like it more than the original, but I don't regret trying it either. 3.0/5.0

berkeleybowl seafood chinese calbee hot garlic shrimp crackers 3.0
Img 20181211 185120

Lotte Roasted Ohing Snack: Combining clam, octopus, shrimp, and kelp, these curled wheat crackers have a potent sweet and savory flavor reminiscent of a seafood stew with a generous helping of gochugaru (Korean chili flakes). It's a little unbalanced because the finish is very sweet, but the flavor overall is unique. Highly seasoned. Purchased from HMart. 3.0/5.0

seafood octopus korean hmart clam shimp spicy lotte roasted ohing snack 3.0
Img 20190729 192133

Calbee Grill-A-Corn Lobster in Supreme Soup Flavored Corn Chips: Purchased from Hong Kong Supermarket in Chinatown, these Cheetos-like corn snacks have a remarkably concentrated lobster flavor that I think most people could identify blind. The seafood flavor is immediately distinctive from other more popular seasonings you might stumble upon in Asian grocery stores, like squid or octopus. I'm not sure where the soup part comes in, and there isn't anything particularly Chinese about the overall taste; it has a creamy flavor, as if you're eating lobster... (read more) 3.0/5.0

hongkongsupermarket junkfood seafood chinese calbee grill-a-corn lobster in supreme soup flavored corn chips 3.0
Img 20200710 193213

Koikeya Strong Grilled Seafood Potato Chips: Koikeya has a line of STRONG potato chips, I guess indicating that they're bolder than regular potato chips. The ridged style is thinner than Ruffles, and more generally, I find that Japanese potato chips don't have the same substantial bite that American potato chips tends to have. This flavor reminded me a little bit of shrimp chips but it definitely had a slightly richer flavor, the type you get from imitation crab sticks. It was pretty decent but not one I find myself drawn to purchasi... (read more) 3.0/5.0

potatochips junkfood japanese lawson koikeya strong grilled seafood potato chips 3.0
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Nongshim seafood ramen: Good packaged ramen that comes with a garnish pouch containing mini fish cakes. A decent alternative to normal beef or chicken flavored ramen. 2.5/5.0

ramen korean noodles fish seafood food hmart nongshim 2.5