raspberry (27)
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72c27445 7430 41d7 beb6 2e3634718cb9

Morgenstern’s Raspberry chocolate with orange vanilla softserve: Morgenstern’s $1 softserve, created in partnership with Street Easy and with proceeds going towards Women in Need, is a no-brainer because where else are you going to get this quality ice cream for $1? An all-white appearance belies the fruity flavors beneath, with a mix of raspberry and orange vanilla. The citrus flavor is especially prominent and well balanced. Not a fan of the white chocolate or sprinkles that adorn it, which overly simplify the otherwise great quality ice cream. Perfect ... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended icecream softserve nyc dessert morgensterns raspberry chocolate orange vanilla 3.5
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Muller blackberry and raspberry greek yogurt: Not as thick as you would expect for greek yogurt, but I like the berry mix, which has real berry segments that add texture. 3.5/5.0

muller greekyogurt yogurt blackberry raspberry berries recommended greek 3.5
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Naia Berry Collection Fruit Bars (Strawberry, Blackberry, and Raspberry Sorbetto): After having the excellent citrus collection fruit pops from Naia, I purchased a follow up set the next time I went grocery shopping at Ballard Market. While these berry flavors are more familiar, they are not at all ordinary. I loved getting to taste the texture of the seeds and was impressed by how accurately each captured the berries at their seasonal peak. The blackberry was my favorite, but all of them were entirely enjoyable and very well balanced - sweet treats that capture the tru... (read more) 4.5/5.0

exceptional frozen naia berry collection fruit bars blackberry raspberry 4.5 strawberry sorbetto ballardmarket
D2dfc851 92d0 41bb 9c8a 558a36029fae

Noosa Raspberry whole milk yogurt: I liked how the texture of berry segments was preserved in the fresh and sweet raspberry pulp mixed in to this Noosa flavor. As far as standard berry flavored yogurts go, this is above average but not so much so that I would go out of my way to eat a raspberry flavored yogurt (except to write this review). 3.5/5.0

recommended berkeleybowl noosa raspberry whole milk yogurt 3.5
3a1ad01f daec 4054 8613 fb9061bf8d74

Pepperidge Farm Apricot Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies: I haven't had Pepperidge Farm cookies in years but had a sudden carving for fruit-jam cookies and purchased these Apricot Raspberry thumbprint cookies from Safeway. They were surprisingly good, with a buttery and slightly crumbly cookie base and just enough fruity sweetness. The interior had a slightly chewy consistency, which worked well texturally with the biscuit. At about 1.5" in diameter, and with 3 cookies per serving, they were satiating too. A good, affordable snack! 3.5/5.0

recommended fruit sweets dessert pepperidgefarm apricot thumbprint cookies 3.5 raspberry
1065583256236492437 1397986312

Poland Spring raspberry lime sparkling water: Surprisingly good mainstream drink. Very clear fruit and citrus flavor that doesn't leave a salty aftertaste like a lot of seltzer. Affordable and widely available. Highly recommended. 4.0/5.0

polandspring seltzer sparklingwater raspberry lime citrus drinks recommended 4.0 sparkling water