orange (39)
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Capi Blood Orange Soda: When visiting National Azabu, a grocery store known for its international selection, I purchased two bottles of this Australian brand of soda: their spicy ginger ale and the blood orange flavors. The spicy ginger ale wasn't particularly good, so I didn't have the highest expectations for the blood orange kind. The soda itself is a little cloudy, a sign of it being made with real fruit, and the taste is definitely distinct from regular orange soda or grapefruit soda – a little more tart but... (read more) 3.0/5.0

soda drinks nationalazabu australian citrus bloodorange capi blood orange 3.0
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Cheeseboard Daily special muffin: On my latest visit, Cheeseboard's daily special contained citrus and ginger, with a sharp and sweet orange flavor. Batter was moist. Good baked treat, though not as special as some of the other items in stock. 3.0/5.0

bakery berkeley orange cheeseboard daily special muffin 3.0
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Chichiyasu Setouchi Mandarin Orange Yogurt: I purchased this pack of yogurt from the grocery store because the package is super cute. They're have a mild sherbert orange flavor and are inspired by mandarin oranges grown in the Setouchi region of Japan. They aren't as smooth as American kid's yogurt, with a little bit of graininess, but it gives it character. A little more sour than creamy. 3.0/5.0

japanese chichiyasu setouchi mandarin orange yogurt 3.0
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Clover's orange juice: Freshly squeezed with a decent amount of pulp. Flavor is good, but the price is outrageous ($7 for this glass). Price should be lower, or the oranges need to be phenomenally good. 3.5/5.0

orangejuice drinks clover juice citrus clovers orange 3.5
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Dough Donuts Blood orange donut: Brooklyn Donut shop Dough Donuts serves ginormous donuts with vibrantly colored glazes. This blood orange donut came with a candied slice of blood orange. Brioche-based dough makes the donuts neither light and fluffy nor overly dense - somewhat middling as far as small-batch donuts go. Blood orange glaze was very sugary but had a decent citrus flavor. Best part was definitely the candied slice, with its sharp tart flavor. 3.0/5.0

Donuts baked sweets pastry dessert brooklyn doughdonuts blood orange donut 3.0 bloodorange
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Epsa Blood orange soda: This Greek soda comes in a sturdy glass bottle textured like Orangina's and marked with a distinct diamond emblem reminiscent of an astrological symbol. The soda is pretty sweet, but it's better balanced than Sunkist or Fanta and is flavored with black carrot juice. You could tell it's orange soda right away, yet the blood orange juice is distinctive and worthwhile. Purchased from Saloniki in Boston. 3.5/5.0

recommended soda drinks citrus bloodorange epsa blood orange 3.5