japanese (360)
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Mito Yuzu Cider: This bottle of citrus soda from Shimane Prefecture, Japan, was purchased from Japan Village's Sunrise Mart in Brooklyn. The soda tastes like a citrus-leaning ramune; quite sweet, but the acidic yuzu flavor helps balance it out. Half a bottle was the perfect amount for me, which is also oddly the serving size listed on the nutrition facts. Would probably pair really well with savory food. As far as citrus sodas I've had, this is definitely above average. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks soda japanese mito yuzu cider 3.5
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Hakkaisan Amazake Sweet Rice Drink: I purchased this fermented rice drink (that's from Japan) at The Market in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. While Amazake is generally a sweet sake, this drink is alcohol-free. Koji rice, the basis of this drink, is rice that has been affected with a fungus named Aspergillus oryzae that's commonly used for making familiar ingredients like soy sauce and bean paste. The drink is kept frozen for freshness and needs to be defrosted before consuming. It has a thick milky consistency and a distinct whi... (read more) 3.5/5.0

japanese japan rice drinks koji hakkaisan amazake sweet drink 3.5
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Sweet Box Co. Singapore Chilli Crab Potato Chips: These potato chips are somewhere between Pringles and Lay's in terms of thickness and texture, with a ridged surface. They have a slice kick and generally taste of a seafood-flavored snack (not necessarily identifiable as crab). Overall, I enjoyed them - I would try other flavors front this brand, but I probably wouldn't buy this exact flavor again as there are so many more snacks to try in Japan. 3.5/5.0

recommended japan japanese potatochips sweetboxco singapore chilli crab potato chips 3.5
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Tohato Callebaut Ruby Caramel Corn: This is a special flavor of curled corn puffs inspired by Callebaut Ruby, a newly discovered type of ruby-colored cocoa bean. It has a slightly fruit taste, like berries, but is followed by a unique sour quality. Texture-wise, these corn puffs are similar to any Tohato caramel corn, which is to say kind of like American Jaxx in shape and with a glazed coating. Tasty! 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese 711 tohato callebaut ruby caramel corn 3.5
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Morinaga Milk Aloe Yogurt: Chewy juicy aloe cubes is not something I would have naturally paired with creamy tart yogurt, but the combination works surprisingly well together. Overall, the flavor of the yogurt is pretty mild, so the dominant taste comes from the aloe, which always for some reason reminds me of sprite in terms of flavor (vaguely citrus like, thirst quenching). 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese morinagamilk aloe yogurt 3.5
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Mont Thabor Turtle melon pan: I stopped by a bakery on my way to the train station and stumbled upon turtle melon-pan, which some may remember was the original avatar of Tasty Snacking until I designed my own. Having never seen one in person, I had to try it. The bread has a fairly standard dinner roll flavor, which is to say pretty neutral, while the "shell" of the turtle is sweet and reminiscent of Chinese pineapple bun, though less rich. It doesn't taste like melon (I believe it's called that for its appearance rather... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese bakery bread montthabor turtle melon pan 3.5