Kabaya Watermelon Gummies: Softer than most gummy candies, falling more towards the marshmallow end of chewy textures, with Haribo on the opposite extreme. Shaped like little watermelon wedges and coated with sugar. Tastes like typically watermelon-flavored candy, which doesn't quite taste like real watermelon but would be recognizable nonetheless. Purchased at a Lawson drugstore. 2.5/5.0
japanese candy lawson kabaya watermelon gummies 2.5Kabaya Pureral Pear Gummies: This Japanese gummy features an unexpected cross between a marshmallow and gummy candy. Each cube has a fluffy texture and is embedded with fruit gummy flavor and texture, providing two different levels of chewiness. I haven't had anything quite like it and enjoyed it overall. The flavor reminds me of a very concentrated ramune, or like those popular individually-wrapped hemispherical fruit gummies from Japan that are ubiquitous in Chinese grocery stores. Purchased from Lawson. 3.5/5.0
recommended candy japanese kabaya pureral pear gummies 3.5Kolsvart Turbot Sour Berry Candies: Actual Swedish fish candies from Malmo, Sweden. Raspberry-flavored, these turbot-shaped chewy gummies have a sharp but well balanced sour coating. They come from a company called Kolsvart, which literally means pitch black, a fitting name for Swedish's death metal roots. Like the Swedish Fish candies, they don't contain gelatin and are, as a result, vegan. Texturally, though, these candies have a softer texture than Swedish Fish; they're similar to Sour Patch Kids, but with a more natur... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended candy swedish gummies kolsvart turbot sour berry candies 3.5Lotte Fit's big grape and peach gummies: Chewy gummy cubes with a sugary coating, half peach and half grape. They have less resistance (slightly squishier) than Sunkist fruit drops (much less than Dots), but the artificial fruit flavors are fairly standard. Super high amount of sugar but it comes in a small pouch with just a couple servings, typical of most junk food in Japan. 2.5/5.0
candy family mart japanese lotte fit's big grape peach gummies 2.5Lotte Yogurt Jelly: These are the Yakult-style gummy equivalent to Haribo cola gummies. They come in small snack-size packaging that contains about ~2 servings. Each gummy is shaped like the squat yogurt-drinks many asian kids had growing up. Definitely on the sweet side, but pretty true to the flavor of Yakult. 3.0/5.0
gummies korean asianfamilymarket lotte yogurt jelly 3.0UHA Tea Gummies: An impulse buy at 7-11, these are miniature gummy candies about half the size of a typical gumdrop. There are four different flavors: brown sugar, milk tea, mango tea, and orange tea. They seen extra chewy and dense. My favorites is the milk tea and mango, though they all have a definitively artificial candy flavor. I'm not sure it works collectively since milk tea is pretty different and someway clashing in flavor with free teas. 3.0/5.0
japanese candy 711 uha tea gummies 3.0