Pepperidge Farm Epic Crunch Ranch Goldfish: These baked crackers are about 25% bigger in size than normal Goldfish and are texturally crispier, though I wouldn't describe it as similar to a tortilla chip (which the packaging seems to claim). They're kind of like Ritz chips crackers, but with a more consistent thickness. The base of the Goldfish Epic Crunch crackers resembles original (plain) Goldfish with a slight corn flavor akin to a mild corn tortilla, and that neutral flavor is the predominant taste, even though they're seasoned... (read more) 2.5/5.0
pepperidgefarm epic crunch ranch goldfish 2.5Pepperidge Farm Pizza flavored Goldfish: I stopped buying regular cheddar Goldfish after I found they got really salty a few years ago, but I was at a grocery store with few snack options and realized I hadn't had pizza Goldfish in a long time. Overall, I find them less salty than the cheddar ones, and they have a zesty tomato flavor similar to a mild form of Totino's pizza rolls (which I love, by the way). Probably the best of the original, non-xtra flavored Goldfish crackers. 3.0/5.0
crackers pepperidgefarm pizza flavored goldfish 3.0Goldfish flavor blasted xtra cheddar and pretzel: Airline food tends to be highly seasoned to make up for our decreased sensitivity to salt in pressurized and low humidity environments. On my last 6 hour flight, I found myself getting alarmingly hungry in the last hour. Giving in, I purchased the least expensive snack, a $2 bag of goldfish. I've sensed that goldfish had become saltier over the years and have avoided purchasing it for this reason. At this altitude, though, I found the snack to be not too bad, with a balanced mix of both flav... (read more) 3.0/5.0
goldfish cheddar pretzel 3.0 snack crackers flavor blasted xtra