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Goldfish flavor blasted xtra cheddar and pretzel: Airline food tends to be highly seasoned to make up for our decreased sensitivity to salt in pressurized and low humidity environments. On my last 6 hour flight, I found myself getting alarmingly hungry in the last hour. Giving in, I purchased the least expensive snack, a $2 bag of goldfish. I've sensed that goldfish had become saltier over the years and have avoided purchasing it for this reason. At this altitude, though, I found the snack to be not too bad, with a balanced mix of both flavors. It held me over for the remainder of the trip. That being said, my perception may be totally different eating this snack on the ground. But in the air, I'd give it a 3.0/5.0. 3.0/5.0

goldfish cheddar pretzel 3.0 snack crackers flavor blasted xtra