chinese (53)
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Want Want Chicken and scallion mini rice crackers: Crunchy rice crackers shaped like golden brown nuggets coated in a seasoning tasting largely of onion and garlic. I wouldn't have guessed it was chicken flavored, but it does have that vaguely bouillon + MSG mix you get from seasoned ramen packets. Overall, I thought it was so-so. I prefer the rice crackers that have a more balanced savory and sweet coating. Purchased from Hong Kong Supermarket in Chinatown, NYC. 2.5/5.0

chinese ricecrackers nyc hongkongsupermarket wantwant chicken scallion mini rice crackers 2.5
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Yomie's Rice Yogurt Haw Purple Rice Yogurt: This shop features a drink menu dominantly in Chinese, with a sprinkling of English just so you know how to order. They make yogurt drinks that verge on porridge territory, with a thick consistency that you can just manage to consume from a straw. Their most popular drink is purple rice yogurt, but I opted for the haw flavor, a popular berry used in Asian desserts. Made to order, it took about 10 minutes to arrive in a boba-tea-like plastic packaging with a sealed off top you puncture wit... (read more) 2.5/5.0

drinks chinatown seattle chinese yomiesriceyogurt haw purple rice yogurt 2.5
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Mong Lee Sheng Taiwan mochi with green tea paste: The texture of the mochi is offputting (somewhere between chewing gum and proper mochi). The green tea flavor is common and lacks depth. Not overly sweet. 2.0/5.0

mochi greentea matcha chinese taiwanese desserts sweets mongleeshengtaiwan green tea paste 2.0
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Beans Family garlic green peas: Chinese dried peas snack with a potent garlic flavor. Unfortunately, the peas themselves have an unsatisfying texture that's simultaneously greasy and dry. 2.0/5.0

munchpak greenpeas asian garlic chinese beanfamily 2.0 beansfamily green peas
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Golden Gate Bakery Sesame Ball: A dim sum classic, fried glutinous rice balls filled with red bean and tossed in toasted sesame seeds are a rare treat often worth the calories. Instead of choosing the default eggtart at San Francisco Chinatown’s Golden Gate Bakery, I selected their take on the sesame ball, seemingly transmogrified to twice its normal size. Barely fitting in my palm, the ball still had the same thin glutinous rice shell you expect but with double the amount of red bean paste inside. As the red bean paste is... (read more) 2.0/5.0

redbean glutinous chinese sanfrancisco goldengatebakery sesame ball 2.0