cherry (14)
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1254835512281433217 1397986312

Danone cherry yogurt: Beyond the foreign labeling, this joghurt tastes just like regular Dannon. On the sweet side, with a thin consistency and a couple slivers of fruit. 2.0/5.0

dannon yogurt cherry 2.0 danone
11261689 1131399580217966 543902024 n

Icee popping candy: People who know me know I'm not into movies. But the one thing I did love about movies as a kid was having an excuse to get an Icee, the horrendously sweet, artificially flavored slushie that turned your mouth blue. My latest munchpak contained an assortment of pop-rocks-style Icee candies with an accompanying lollipop, presumably to be eaten like Fundip. I skipped the lollipop and had each flavor individually. All had a familiar taste, but just like the drinks, the blue raspberry was the be... (read more) 2.5/5.0

munchpak icee poprocks candy raspberry cherry orange 2.5 popping
1068922046900372934 1397986312

Poland Spring black cherry sparkling water: Unlike the favorably reviewed raspberry lime flavor, I found this bottle to have an unpleasantly salty aftertaste. Black cherry flavor is decent. Not one of the best. 2.5/5.0

polandspring blackcherry drinks sparklingwater 2.5 black cherry sparkling water
1068922046900372934 1397986312

Poland Spring black cherry sparkling water: Unlike the favorably reviewed raspberry lime flavor, I found this bottle to have an unpleasantly salty aftertaste. Black cherry flavor is decent. Not one of the best. 2.5/5.0

polandspring blackcherry drinks sparklingwater 2.5 black cherry sparkling water 2.5/5.0
963670775860331623 1397986312

Kind Plus dark chocolate and cherry cashew bar: A nut and fruit bar dipped in a generous amount of chocolate. Classic flavor combination. Overall, a snack you can generally feel good about, but not exceptionally tasty. 3.0/5.0

kind chocolate cherry cashew fruit nut bar kindplus dark 3.0
874196317081208509 1397986312

Peter Beier Merry Christmas chocolate covered almonds: A beautiful tin from Denmark containing almonds covered in white chocolate and coated with a vivid red powder of freeze dried cherries and cinnamon. The freeze dried coating is surprisingly bitter and sour-I did not guess the fruit on my own. Overpowered any other flavor. 1.5/5.0

peterbeier chocolate almonds cherry cinnamon avoid merry christmas covered 1.5