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781463871559074973 1397986312

Silang Oatmeal Crackers: nutty crumbly cookies (rather than crackers) that are barely sweetened. Comes in individual serving packs of two cookies, which makes them ideal for a quick snack in between meals (but they aren't very filling). 2.5/5.0

cookies chinese hmart japanese asian silang oatmeal crackers 2.5
91551bde 516d 4491 80e9 c50acee2d039

Smile More Sparkling Lychee Spritzer : I’ve seen an upwards trend for vinegar-based sodas in the past year, and this Asian lychee-flavored one is sour and lightly sweetened with a faint lychee aftertaste. It’s not a drink I would want to consume in one serving though the bottle is smaller than most. If you appreciate carbonated beverages that aren’t sweet, you may enjoy it. 3.0/5.0

drinks vinegar asian smilemore sparkling lychee spritzer 3.0
971241667779921912 1397986312

Tao Kae Noi Super Crisp grilled seaweed (classic flavor): Seaweed crisped to an almost chip-like consistency. Thicker than most seaweed strips. Robust flavor somewhat reminiscent of a teriyaki glaze. Surprisingly sweet. Actually really tasty. 4.0/5.0

seaweed recommended taokaenoi asian hmart super crisp grilled (classic flavor) 4.0
1103312785755113095 1397986312

Tao Kae Noi kimchi flavored Super Crisp: This is the last of the Tao Kae Noi line of grilled seaweed snacks I had yet to try from my local Hmart. The umami-rich flavor has a great balance of savory and sweet. The spicy kimchi taste builds and lingers. A uniquely crispy and substantial seaweed snack. 3.5/5.0

taokaenoi seaweed hmart recommended kimchi korean asian snack tasty food umami 3.5 flavored super crisp
1210571322343851429 1397986312

Tao Kae Noi Sriracha chili sauce flavored crispy seaweed: While the packaging features a mascot that can't take the heat, I was surprised to find this snack lacked any punch. I don't have a high spice tolerance, yet I wouldn't characterize this snack as spicy at all. If I didn't know it was supposed to taste like Sriracha, I would have guessed a sweet chili flavor rather than a spicy one. The seaweed also was not very crispy compared to other times I've had this snack. I'm not sure if I got a dud, but this product was disappointing overall. 2.0/5.0

taokaenoi seaweed snack sriracha asian hmart 2.0 chili sauce flavored crispy
747338099185714879 1397986312

Tohato Amijaga Norisioaji: Thick, waffle-shaped chips. Very slight seaweed flavor. Not memorable. 2.0/5.0

japanese asian seaweed chips crackers waffle tohatoamijaga norisioaji 2.0 nori