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Regent Pandan Cake: A half-sphere mini cake, baked-brown on the outside and shamrock-green on the inside. Has a light texture that eats a bit dry. Often paired with coconut, pandan leaves are popular in southeast asian cuisines like Thai and Indonesian; the flavor of this pandan cake fell somewhere in between rich coconut and light lemongrass. Fragrant and not too sweet, but the texture could have been more moist. 3.0/5.0

cake 99ranch asian regent pandan 3.0
747339975927039723 1397986312

Royal Three Black Taste: Korean chocolate. Amazing black sesame flavored milk chocolate. Sweetness is just-right. 4.0/5.0

recommended asian chocolate sesame blacksesame korean royalthree black taste 4.0
747362553664144733 1397986312

Samanco red bean ice cream: Really disappointing. dry styrofoam coating, generic vanilla ice cream, syrupy red bean 1.5/5.0

hmart japanese asian samanco red bean ice cream 1.5 icecream
Img 20181227 214153

Sanko Sweet Rice Cracker: On my last trip to Hong Kong Supermarket, I felt nostalgic for the iced rice crackers I had growing up but decided to try a different brand than normal. Unfortunately, the Hot Kid Want Want Shelly Senbei crackers are much better than this one from Sanko. The Sanko rice crackers are saltier and not as crunchy, so the balance of the salty cracker with the sweet icing is not quite right. Definitely an example where sticking to the classic would have been the better choice. 3.0/5.0

asian ricecrackers hongkongsupermarket sanko sweet rice cracker 3.0
747361975554835790 1397986312

Sanko-Seika custard rice crackers: Savory crackers coated w/ caramel egg custard icing. Tastes intriguing & gross 0.5/5.0

avoid asian recommended sankoseika custard rice crackers 0.5
935159576382441223 1397986312

Sheng Xiang Zhen Green Tea Pumpkin Seeds: Tasty pumpkin seeds encased in a vivid, green coating. The aftertaste is herbal, but I'm not sure I'd guess green tea just from the flavor. Extremely messy to eat, but yummy nonetheless. 3.5/5.0

greentea matcha hmart pumpkinseeds seeds asian recommended shengxiangzhen green tea pumpkin 3.5