4.0 (395)
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Noosa Pear and cardamom yogurt: This uniquely spiced pear and cardamom yogurt combines the comforting flavor of baked spiced fruit (like apple pie) with creamy and sharp yogurt, similar in effect to having a dollop of creme fraiche on a rich, sweet dessert. High quality whole milk yogurt with a distinct flavor combination. Would buy again. 4.0/5.0

recommended pear cardamom yogurt 4.0 noosa
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Noosa Mango whole milk yogurt: This is Noosa week, where I’ll share a review a day of the whole milk yogurt flavors I’ve tried over the past month. First up is the mango flavor, which contains cubes of ripe mango and whose sweetness pairs well with the slightly tart, creamy yogurt. While these containers are marked as single serving, I find the yogurt filling and sweet enough that I never eat more than half in a single sitting. This is a classic and quality fruit flavor that is easy to recommend. 4.0/5.0

recommended fruit noosa mango whole milk yogurt 4.0
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Omomo Tea Shop Matcha Cortado: Is bubble tea ever worth waiting an hour in line for? Maybe not, but when 90% of the line is made up of Asian customers in Irvine, it's probably a good sign. This popular bubble tea shop has two locations in Irvine, and this unassuming shop in the middle of a large strip mall, sandwiched between a Ralph's and CVS, unfortunately only takes in-person orders (the other location has an online ordering system). I went with my family and was able to sample four different drinks, but the one I o... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended irvine bubbletea greentea omomoteashop matcha cortado 4.0
2017 04 07 20.15.15

Oorifood Premium Garlic Snack: Since moving to the Bay Area, I've been impressed with how well American grocery stores stock Asian snacks in their ethnic food aisles. Berkeley Bowl in particular has an array of both Japanese and Chinese staples, including dried seafood, shrimp crackers, and multiple varieties of rice crackers (even carrying their own in the bulk section). But one thing that I have missed is Korean snacks, which I had easy access to back in Cambridge, MA since I lived close to an HMart. Luckily, I recent... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended korean puffs longreads oorifood premium garlic snack 4.0
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Otsuka Match Jelly: Match Jelly is a popular citrus soda that's the color of electric yellow Gatorade and is similarly fortified with "nutrition" like Vitamin B6, Niacin, and Vitamin C. I haven't actually had Match soda before, but it's a standard vending machine staple. While vending machines have full-sized bottles, they also usually have a small selection of half-size containers, which I like to buy when I'm thirsty but not wanting more than a single serving. I purchased this "jelly" version of Match f... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended drinks japanese vendingmachine otsuka match jelly 4.0
2016 09 24 22.00.36

Our Little Rebellion Cha-Cha Chili Bean Crisps: I love potato chips, but I also enjoy finding healthier substitutes. This new bean crisp snack fills that void, with a satisfying crispy baked texture and distinct chili flavor that's just spicy enough for snacking by the handful. They are from the makers of Popcorners, and while I generally like the Popcorner product, I actually think these Bean Crisps are even better, since the bean flavor is more distinct, and the chips are crunchier and generally more satisfying texturally. I hope the... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended ourlittlerebellion cha-cha chili bean crisps 4.0