2.5 (280)
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2016 10 16 11.22.16

Clover organic peach Greek yogurt: I've always wondered why fruit-on-the-bottom peach yogurt seems to taste the same no matter the brand: it bears some resemblance to peaches but also has a flavor distinct to dairy products. This product is no exception. The yogurt itself is less thick than Fage and also had a more neutral flavor. Purchased from Safeway. 2.5/5.0

clover yogurt greek organic peach dairy 2.5 safeway
1162118212542039559 1397986312

C Nature Choco Puff melon chocolate crunch cracker: A Korean snack combining puffed rice krispies with melon-flavored white chocolate. The melon-chocolate combination is pretty bizarre, and the cantaloupe flavor is concentrated but artificial. Puffed rice prevents the bars from being too dense. The box contained 4 individually wrapped pieces, each of which was fairly substantial (about 3" long). 2.5/5.0

munchpak cnature korean melon chocolate puffedrice 2.5 choco puff crunch cracker 2.5/5.0
Img 1170

Coca Cola Coke Zero Sugar: I'm in the Coke Zero camp (I.e., I prefer it to Diet Coke for its better depth of flavor and less metallic taste). Though, to be honest, they both pale in comparison to the more fully body Coca-Cola, which unfortunately has too much sugar. Apparently, Coke improved the flavor of Coke Zero while also emphasizing that it's a zero-calorie beverage through rebranding, for those who were unaware. I didn't taste much difference from the original Coke Zero which is neither good nor bad. So if you w... (read more) 2.5/5.0

drinks soda cocacola coke zero sugar 2.5
7dcff5d1 22a0 43a1 86f8 58189481ca5c

Coco Libre Coconut water: After having the very good Real Coco coconut water, I have a new baseline with which compare all other coconut waters. This one from Coco Libre has a stronger, slightly off-tasting flavor, which I definitely took as a sign of it being less fresh than the cleaner tasting Real Coco drink. On the more affordable side as far as coconut water goes, but I would gladly pay a bit more for better quality. 2.5/5.0

drinks coconutwater organic cocolibre coconut water 2.5
2017 04 09 13.44.13

Coppenrath Traveller Vanilla Cookies on Tour: Purchased the vanilla flavor of these cookies after enjoying the caramel one. The vanilla is much more standard and run of the mill, but still has a decent crumbly texture and good value (the bag can last me more than a week and costs less than $3). If you're going to pick a flavor, though, I would definitely go with the caramel. 2.5/5.0

berkeleybowl sweets coppenrathtraveller vanilla cookies on tour 2.5
1254065363886572989 1397986312

Cortese ginger soft drink: This Italian mixer strangely contains no ginger. Instead, it had carrot juice and safflower. The flavor is slightly acidic, on the sweet side, and has no expected kick. It comes in a vivid red color. 2.5/5.0

soda drinks cortese ginger carrot 2.5 italian soft drink