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Trader Joe's Everything but the Bagel Seasoned Kettle-Cooked Potato Chips: I like potato chips, and I like everything seasoning. But these chips were far too garlicky, and it misses a lot of the nuance of good everything seasoning. The poppy seeds, for example, have a hard time sticking to the potato chips, so they mostly end up at the bottom of the bag, and there isn't any discernible sesame flavor. Texture-wise, the kettle chips are totally solid. But I wouldn't get them again because of how alarmingly strong the garlic is. 2.0/5.0

chips traderjoes everything but bagel seasoned kettle-cooked potato 2.0
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Ritz Cheddar Cheese Crispers: Since returning to the states, I’ve gotten a chance to satisfy my cheese cracker craving, which typically involves consuming Cheddar Rockets from Trader Joe’s, but I sometimes try new offerings I spot in the cracker aisle. These cheddar crisps from Ritz are an example of an unfortunate purchase - the cheddar had a strange off flavor, and it was quite messy to eat because of the dusted cheese coating. The base of the cracker itself didn’t have the satisfying buttery richness of ritz crackers,... (read more) 2.0/5.0

crackers ritz cheddar cheese crispers 2.0
2021 05 27

McDonald's BTS Meal Sauces: I went along with my sister to McDonald's for the BTS meal, not knowing much of what to expect other than that two dipping sauces were co-designed to accompany their standard chicken nuggets meal. At a 4pm on Wednesday, the day the collaboration was officially released, there was a snaking line outside the drive through, and given an endless feed of BTS-themed McDonald's TikToks I saw afterward, I can only imagine everyone was there for the same reason. I can't say that I know much about th... (read more) 2.0/5.0

mcdonalds sauce bts meal sauces 2.0
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Dydo Melon Shake: There were always tons of Dydo vending machines in Tokyo selling discounted drinks at most street corners or metro stops. Perhaps because drinking in public is considered a bit of a faux paus in Japan, lots of the vending machines sell very small bottles for quickly quenching your thirst. This small melon shake came in a stout aluminum can / bottle and is an uncarbonated combination of melon and sugary milk. It had an unmistakable cantaloupe flavor but tasted more like candy than a drink.... (read more) 2.0/5.0

drinks vendingmachines japanese dydo melon shake 2.0
Pxl 20210315 111400531

Sahne Muh-Muhs Caramel Fudge: Found in Natural Lawson, these caramels are originally from Germany and feature generous rectangular pieces that are more like fudge in texture than the chewy, stretchy caramel I expected. The consistency is coarse and grainy - it crumbles when you bite into it. I was disappointed to find that it didn't have a particular buttery flavor, tasting more of pure sugar than anything else. A disappointing purchase. 2.0/5.0

candy lawson sahnemuhmuhs caramel fudge 2.0 german
Pxl 20210225 093749441

Toppo Caramel and Butter Sticks: Toppo is sort of like Lotte's response to Pocky, with a very similar stick-like form factor but with the flavoring on the inside. The exterior is a sort of pretzel / cracker hybrid, and this particular one has a strong buttery flavor and a salted caramel-flavored filling inside. Sweet and savory, like chicken and waffles, this snack could have been good in theory but is somehow both too sweet and too savory at the same time; in other words, not well balanced. This standard size you can fi... (read more) 2.0/5.0

familymart japanese toppo caramel butter sticks 2.0