747349765642291172 1397986312

Newman's Own Organic vanilla alphabet crackers: Pretty good save for the very odd savory aftertaste akin to oregano 2.0/5.0

avoid newmansown organic vanilla alphabet crackers 2.0
747350037911341031 1397986312

Annie's Bunny Pasta with Yummy Cheese: In the world of fun-shaped boxed pasta, Annie's Homegrown mac and cheese with yummy cheese is the only one worth getting. 4.0/5.0

recommended macandcheese annies bunny pasta yummy cheese 4.0
747350240865322990 1397986312

Coco Boba Milk Tea: You may be tempted to satisfy a late-night bubble tea craving at Coco, but it's best to avoid this overly-sweet drink. 2.0/5.0

avoid blacktea coco boba milk tea 2.0
747350546193876986 1397986312

Rising Moon Organics Garlic & Basil Tomato Sauce: Not a snack, but felt compelled to share Rising Moon Organic's delicious garlic & basil pasta sauce. Clean & fresh flavor. 4.0/5.0

recommended risingmoonorganics garlic basil tomato sauce 4.0
747350776050124798 1397986312

Newman's Own ginger mints: Fragrant and prominent ginger flavor that isn't overpowering. 2.5/5.0

newmansown ginger mints 2.5
747351044493968393 1397986312

Berger Cookies Fudge + shortbread cookie: Fudge + shortbread cookie combined into one by Berger Cookies. Necessitates eating in small doses. 2.5/5.0

bergercookies fudge + shortbread cookie 2.5