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Ben and Jerry's S'mores ice cream: Chocolate ice cream with marshmallow, fudge chunks, and graham cracker 'swirls.' Chocolate masks any other flavor unfortunately, particularly with the added chocolate bits. Good quality chocolate ice cream, though 3.0/5.0

icecream benandjerrys smores dessert frozen chocolate marshmallow s'mores ice cream 3.0
889362026127983677 1397986312

365 organic Quack'n Bites: Bite-sized cheese snack crackers that are slightly underseasoned. Cheddar flavor manages to be sharp and slightly bland at the same time. Small size makes it easy to over snack. Not bad, but not worth purchasing again. 3.0/5.0

cheddar cheese crackers organic 365 wholefoods quack'n bites 3.0
889364843811079308 1397986312

Bolero almond wafer sticks: Flaky and light pastry encasing oversweetend almond paste filling. Good in small quantities. From Greece. 3.0/5.0

wafers almond sweets bolero wafer sticks 3.0
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Mong Lee Sheng Taiwan mochi with green tea paste: The texture of the mochi is offputting (somewhere between chewing gum and proper mochi). The green tea flavor is common and lacks depth. Not overly sweet. 2.0/5.0

mochi greentea matcha chinese taiwanese desserts sweets mongleeshengtaiwan green tea paste 2.0
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Meisum Bakery peanut bun: Generous mochi dessert coated with coconut shavings and sweet peanut filling. The mochi itself is plump and soft, barely sweetened, while the peanut filling is slightly crunchy, lending a surprising texture. Overall, a very satisfying (and cheap!) snack. 4.0/5.0

mochi bakery chinatown boston sweets peanut nuts coconut asian chinese recommended bun 4.0 meisumbakery
885856015073182958 1397986312

Asian peanut candy: Peanut flavored candy from Taiwan that is dense but comes apart in flakes when you bite into it. A sweet treat. 3.0/5.0

candy peanut taiwan asian 3.0