928646190891041986 1397986312

Anastasia Confections Key Lime Cookies: Sharp and tart mini cookies covered with powdered sugar. Well balanced. Captures an authentic key lime flavor in a bite-sized package. From Orlando, Florida. 4.0/5.0

cookies keylime recommended anastasia sweets anastasiaconfections key lime 4.0
928649746570315025 1397986312

Greenmax black sesame cereal: If you haven't had black sesame cereal before, it's a powdered mix drink popular in asian countries. This brand is from Taiwan. Mixed with hot water, it creates a thick drink (similar in consistency to hot chocolate), but typically much more nutritious. It is one of my favorite things to drink in cold weather. This brand is especially good because it's not too sweet, and the black sesame flavor is deep and comforting. 4.0/5.0

greenmax asian hmart blacksesame drinks taiwan black sesame cereal 4.0
925448504238966012 1397986312

365 organic original soymilk: Good consistency but too sweet on its own. Works when added with neutral, unsweetened foods, though (such as oatmeal). 3.0/5.0

soymilk 365 wholefoods drinks organic soy original 3.0
925450794438001990 1397986312

Want Want Shelly Senbei: Reviewed this one a long time ago pre-scores. Still return to it time and time again. Asian rice crackers topped with icing. Genius combination of salty and sweet, and very inexpensive too. Classic, nostalgic snack. 4.0/5.0

recommended asian taiwan taiwanese ricecrackers wantwant shelly senbei 4.0
923940566143894559 1397986312

Siggi's mango and jalapeño yogurt: Seasonal flavor. Sweet with an undertone of heat that lingers. Well balanced. High quality, thick yogurt. 3.5/5.0

yogurt siggis jalapeno mango recommended jalapeño 3.5
924304572591408270 1397986312

Udi's cranberry almond granola bars: Substantial snack with great chewy texture, good balance of sweet and tart. Very flavorful, amazing as a gluten-free snack. 4.0/5.0

granolabars granola cranberry almond recommended udis bars 4.0