white (34)
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Sage Valley white cheddar puffs: Airy rice and corn puffs dusted w/ cheese, good but inconsistently seasoned 3.0/5.0

rice cheese sagevalley white cheddar puffs 3.0
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Sangaria White grape soda: This beverage comes in an aluminum bottle with a twist of top. It contains 20% real fruit juice and probably 80% sugar water, along with what appeared to be slightly chewy pieces of grape. Overall, it was extremely sweet and not something I could drink much of in a single sitting. Purchased at Family Mart. 2.5/5.0

familymart japanese drinks soda white grape 2.5 sangaria
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Shake Shack black and white malted milk shake: A thick, rich milkshake made of high quality vanilla and chocolate ice cream. I love malted milkshakes, and the extra $0.50 for malted is definitely worth it. Needs to be paired with a tall glass of water. Definitely not for the faint of heart but a treat once in a while (it's about 1/3 of your daily calories). 4.0/5.0

shakeshack milkshake drinks blackandwhite malted recommended 4.0 black white milk shake
442ae339 df18 4cb6 928e f89ac5356b01

Sound Sparkling peach and ginger white tea: I bought this bottle of white tea from Perelandra Natural Food Center in Brooklyn. As a fan of both peach and ginger, as well as sparkling versions of normally-not-sparkling beverages, I was excited to try it. Unfortunately, the flavor is weak and diluted, and the carbonation doesn’t hold up for long after the bottle is opened (on the order of 5 minutes). Would not purchase again. 2.0/5.0

drinks tea sound sparkling peach ginger white 2.0 organic
Img 9673

The Daily Crave Aged White Cheddar Lentil Chips: After the smashing success of the previous Daily Crave product I purchased (smoked Gouda), I picked up a more classic flavor at Berkeley Bowl. In this case, though, the lentil flavor dominates the more mild cheddar taste, making the chip more of a veggie snack than a cheese snack. Not as memorable or particularly worth trying. 3.0/5.0

Veggiechips berkeleybowl thedailycrave aged white cheddar lentil chips 3.0
78c55821 b15f 4c99 abe2 5172e29a83d7

The Laughing Cow White Cheddar Babybel Cheese: I miss those Laughing Cow mini cubes, readily available in the dairy aisle of the local supermarket in the 90s and even obtainable when traveling in Taiwan as a child. But I haven’t seen them in many years, except for in Canada where they still seem to be sold and in the UK, which I only know because there was a recent British ad campaign I found on YouTube. All we have left in the US are the wedges of spreadable cheese and the classic Babybel rounds, snackable cheese covered in red wax. Sof... (read more) 3.0/5.0

thelaughingcow white cheddar babybel cheese 3.0