soymilk (16)
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Nature's Soy Matcha Soymilk: I first discovered this brand of asian soymilk at Hong Kong Supermarket in Chinatown but have since found it available at larger chains like Fairway. Since I enjoyed Nature's Soy's black sesame soymilk, I was looking forward to trying their matcha version. The soymilk is a thicker and grainier than most store-bought soymilk, which I don't mind because it tastes fresher. The matcha flavor, though, tastes too similar to matcha-flavored biscuits or cookies to me – overly sweet and hard to dr... (read more) 3.0/5.0

fairway drinks soymilk asian matcha greentea tea naturessoy 3.0
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Hori Milk Soriflora Soy Yogurt: This probiotic yogurt is soybean based and has a definite non-dairy texture (slightly more set and a little grainy compared to normal yogurt). It does have a pleasantly sweet soy milk flavor and is on the sweet side but fairly neutral otherwise. 3.0/5.0

Daiei japanese soymilk horimilk soriflora soy yogurt 3.0

Marusan litchi soymilk: Japanese soymilk juicebox flavored with litchi. Neither juice nor soymilk, this strange combination is overly sweet. Despite listing 3g of sugar, the drink contains sucrolose, an artificial sweetener. Overall, one of the more unpleasant drinks I've had recently. Don't be like me and fall for the cute packaging. 2.0/5.0

marusan japanese soymilk litchi lychee drinks 2.0 avoid
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Marusan sesame honey soymilk: Taste is reminiscent of black sesame porridge you can buy in powder packets. All three flavors are present (black sesame, honey, and soymilk) but fail to work together. Very sweet, strange flavor overall. Not recommended. 1.5/5.0

marusan japanese drinks soymilk avoid blacksesame 1.5 honey soy sesame